PRODUCTS THE THAYER CHEMICAL COMPANY ee MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS P. O. Box 2134 TAN-O-PHENE = Phen-Io-Men FRESNO, CALIFORNIA July 18,1940. (RGG, U. S. PAT. OFF.) CALCLREX Dr.F.C.Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen; In checking over surnrrecords your name was called to my attention as a user of PHEN-IO-MEN.It has been a long time since IT have called on you personally and discussed my product with you. I formerly called on you when our laboratory was located at Topeka Kansas. I believe your last order was purchased in October of 19357 and was for two pints of PHEN-IO-MEN.No doubt your supply is now depleated and I would be pleased to mail you any quantity you may Gesire. PHEN-I0-MEN costs $1.75 per pint and $11.00 per gallon.One ounce applicator bottles are $3.00 per doz. ; Dr.Allen I would like to know if there is any publication which gives a list of Coaches,Athletic Directors,Physical Edu- cation Heads of the various Colleges and Universities in the. United States?I desire to contact these people on my PHEN-IO-MEN and thought perhaps some sort of a list was published.Any infor- mation which you may be able to give me on the above will be greatly appreciated. I believe you told me at our last meeting fhat you used my product PHEN-IO-MEN as a throat swab and like it very much for this purpose/I wonder if you would be willing to write me a little testimonial telling FRANKLY what. you thought of my PHEN-IO-MEN, bringing in several ways in which you have used it,results obtained, etc. If you care to do this for me I will greatly appreciate the favor and will be glad to mail you a pint of PHEN-IO-MEN for your personal use,gratis.I realize Dr.Allen that you are well known as a basketball Coach and Athletic Director in the Middle West,also as a good SPORTSMAN,and this is the reason I would like to have your testimonial. Trusting I may soon hear from you and thanking you for the courtesies extended to me in the past I remain, ry truly yours CAT /meg. Chea. Q. Sha