boa 3 Ht i H He lee bi it i i cpl iy fi li i a ii! Ht i if you caye Director of Maysical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach duly 30, 1940 iis Glema Ae Teal Gxe 5 Ps ® © wa © > ® 5 © é >> ° a a = oS 8 Dre Allen = June 29, 1940.4 - ee mee nae | saith ait Sh ts Abstain chil: Maaiiabindis FCAsAl. Varsity Mstetbell Coache. CAwilh ~Cpr2+0 b- 2f —+0 Uff Ar RCA fg) ALA. SA a ae, Dr | fe hvbbee sie sale Oe fies Date: ap p40, seiko SILA we ae pis as Lived tbh, thos Bea 2: BAX sr Lick tnrh Yan thee ck chit Z Pee Lee JP CP OPIN 7 AF Vo az hfe Ae he by Any azitp ZY} / ant di Cte ) Fa VM Aort a are Yer Bret gre Lprutf ne pee ke. Binney Ye AL Os Rey a8 ae oe ped thy ty Aa swith fone Ty 0-04 front Dh Bact August 6, 1946 Caldwell, ienseas— Dear Ure Tools ee i have your your letter of the 4th instant and I assure you that it is @ pleasure for us aid you and your son in g Sf gt if tf BH i Bg [ie : itt ? sending son up, it best for you Guu i gah Soi Gonch Ws he bene guene Se bab online ee seh Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Baskettall Coach | | FOAsig any nelly for nbet 8 oube + ee Ler Pee Oiedli oa — 72. ky Yon arr eos ” ahi AP Dear lars Thayors | thaws your letter of August 5 regarding PheusIo-lion and a few dave leter I received the pint of Vheneloeien you sent me.» «EF want to thank’ you for the PheneIoutien end tell you that I like it very much. Sinoarely Yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach PRODUCTS THE THAYER CHEMICAL COMPANY ee MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS P. O. Box 2134 TAN-O-PHENE " Phen-lo-Men a) ee August 5,1940. (RGG, U.S. PAT, OFF.) CALCI-REX Dr.Forest C Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas, Lawrence ,Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Thank you for your very nice letter and PHEN-I0O-MEN endorsement of July 23,1940.I appreciate both very much. I note what you say about having Trainer Dean Nesmith order several pints of PHEN-IO-MEN when he returnes from his vacation.I certainly appreciate your interest and will look forward to receiving your order. Within two or three days I will mail you a pint of PHEN- IO-MEN for your personal use. Thanking you again for your interest and kindness and wishing you and my Alma Mater a very successful coming year I remain, Very truly yours CAT /meg. i “All letters and packages addressed to inmates must contain full name and register number. Px MISSOURI STATE. PENITENTIARY ie | MISSOURI ia ite not to exceed two letters each week. They are not allowed Prisoners must strictly comply with the following: The d must be received direct from the publishers, or their agents. to receive eatables of any kind. Newspapers and other rea The reward of good conduct is early release; prisoners should -be enc raged to be good. All outgoing letters must be written on this stationery and must not exceed one sheet of paper, and an ide of paper only. DO NOT SEND MONEY IN ANY OTHER FORM THAN BY POSTOFFICE OR EXPRESS MONEY Q@RDER, AND MADE PAYABLE TO SECRETARY, Missouri State Prison. og waar Mien ! Hane De. ¥.0.. "Paeg.* Allen, LQ © |Name....... Roy. M... Turner t . al Relationship. KansasSGreatest Athletic Imstwuctor 2 : : re) a Box 900. Register No. .....&. 9461 ee No......letter this week Street Number.......... University Of Kansas... i 5 Gi lawrence, State. KABBaS ail jetlerea City, Mac OTs 27K 1933. Dear Dr. Allen: Riiieecl In answering your letter I wish first to state that I was real-. ly glad to hear from you and that I surely had some of the biggest thrills of my life time, when Kansas was running all over Kansas State Saturday October the 29th. The Radio is certainly a remarkable gift to humanity. Now Dr. Allen, I am more than willing to accept your offer of helping me help my self, and certainly will appreciate receiving from you any suggestions that you believe will help me help my self. There is no certain time to serve, just when ever the Parole Board see fit. Relative to my future shoujd I be released. As you know, my line is Athletics. If I had of stayed with that and let the Real Estate Busi- ness alone I would of never of been in here. The people that you associcte with while teaching school are not like those you come in contact with in the Real Estate Business. I was green and it was easy for a crooked Dealor to drive me in a crack, especially after fate had all ready dealt me a heavy blow. However, I realize that I will not be able to teach school after leaving here. I have studied all tyves of Athletics while here. Before coming here, I had a fairly good knowledge of Basket Ball and Football as a player and instructor. So I believe with the help of the many people I know, in all parts of this country, that I have either gone to school with or had some other as- sociation with in the athletic line, I will bezable to Jine up wath some pro- fessional organization after a year or so. The newspapers and the Radio has helped me tremendously in my studies, to keep in touch with the outside world. Upon my immediate release, I have a home to go to, also a promise of a good oosition. However, I am not certain about the position, as yet. My case was surrounded by circumstances that put me on the spot. Some body had to go down and it happened that I was the easiest one. But so far as arguing my case, I will just leave that matter out, for I believe that I have been punished sufficient to answer all purposes of justiceg and should be given my release regardless what this one thinks and that one thinks about the evidence of my case. Personally, I know that I am not guilty and for that very reason I have been able to bear up under the great strain and burden that a period of so many years of imprisonment brings, My motto is,"Flirt with no joy that will demand a dollar tomorrow for ten cents you get out of it today." Every onfin this part of the country believes that Knasas will be great in Basket Ball this year as usual, since they always have been the Tops under your instructions. I will be listening in on the Radio. Wishing you much success and kindest personal regards, I an, Yours very truly, Roy, Me turner. P.S.e-- Tell Ad Lindsey- To play the air and use a quick surpise Kick, say on the first or second down to stop Paul Christman and his Tiger cohorts, Thursday. Missouri will gain through the Kansas line but the quick kick will give the Kansas invasion a better than even chance to stop the Missouri running and passing attack. ‘th Tit ih oft. ii ut i iil te i s i ii | i sf He iets ak ii i e sail HE i i ‘ mn i ial i tH : ( iL i Soptaiber 8, 1939. With decp appreciation for your trouble in wri ities va * Very sincerely yours, Hifi it 3 Hie ag ‘| icuenioly tntrerted in tae" i eS : thettel, Kath, 403% Mynark- y Plared - a a aol Cr frewnts a ater tn Bw 6-1 teu ho thes tin weak iia ite A oe Sa97 77 Cetin PA 8 September 28, 1939¢ fensas City, Iissourie Deer Fronks | I took your letter in to ire Earl. Falkenstieon, the finencial secretary of the Athletic Association, thie morning end I am sure thet you will receive in a very short time all the information you desire in regard to tickets. The Missouri-Kansas gow will be played on Noveabor 26th, ‘tire Felkenstien w111 make the roserv- . Director of Physical Bhention ond Hearention, CASA — ee ee. SIMONDS-SHIELDS-THEIS GRAIN Go. Kansas City, Mo. FRANK A.THEIS, PRESIDENT FRED C.VINCENT, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD F.J. FITZPATRICK, VICE PRES. F. L.ROSENBURY, SEcy-TREAS. Casie-SIMSHIELDS September 27,1939. Mr.Fog Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Fog: Some time ago the Athletic Department sent me schedule of home games and prices for tickets but some how or other I have mis- placed this. Wonder if you would be kind enough to reserve for me six good tickets for the Missouri-Kansas Game on November 20th and let me know just where they are and the cost, and I will send you check immed- iately for the amount, plus postage, then you can send the tickets to me when check is received. With kindest personal regards. Very truly yours, FATS W . October 28, 19396 Mire Te Le Thaxton's Foot Confort Shop, 915 Grand A | Kansas City, Missourie Dear Mrs Thaxton: i went to send in my golf shoes to havs then re-condi soled, heels rebuilt, and spikes put in chene Y alec have « pair of ten street shoes shoes that I want soled, reconditioned and the heels built upe I wish you would send me the mame of your factory so that I can send Very sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Rdueation and Recreation, FeasAll Varsity Sasketball Coache November 4, 1939. In regard to the charts, the only reason I men- tioned Dr. Woodhull having them ie because he has then on his walle and he didn't pay anything for them. Since he is a precticing physician I thought you could use the same argunent in my case. iI do not know whether he got a a ae Director of Physi FOOT -s0o-PORT HEALTH SHOES THAXTON’S FOOT COMFORT SHOP 915 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. 10-31-39. Mr. Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. ‘Allen: Your letter of the 28th received in regard to sending your Golf shoes and your tan street shoes to the factory for repairs. Direct from you to them. I am indeed sorry but they will not accept them that way as that has been tried before by a man here that is head of the postoffice near the Union Station. The factory only deals with the merchant selling their shoes and we have to send all shoes in and then the repair work is charged to our accounte The only way I can handle you case is for you to send the shoes to me then I will send them to the factory and then I will have them sent direct to you from the factory. That way they will do it, but no other waye So far it has been impossible for me to get charts from the factory due to the fact they only make up by order just enough to service the shops they sell shoes toe I have to sign a contract a year in advance to get the signs you see displayed on the walls of my shope So I will do my very best to get some for you but I am doubtful if I will be able to get theme You see the factory sell me these big signs for $5.00 for the three big signse They say that is what the signs cost them from the sign shop in Chicago who make them for the factory. So it is going to be very doubtful if I will be able to get any for youe At one time the factory advertiseing man told me that if he sent ut these big oe to every one that wanted them they would spend over 100.000 a year for just signs. They say that they cant do as it would break theme But I will try to get some results for youe ee oe p Ls % ig Novenber 4, 1989.6 Kansas City, Missourie Dear ire Turnbull I would appreciate it if you would send me threo eee wey tite artiole in my files. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physica. Bdueetion end Recreation, z GhrMerkiyRouses Ciiy Star. CIRCULATION 450,000 ONE YEAR PAID IN ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS November 3, 19359. Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kas, Dear Mr. Allen: Your article was received this morning and I certainly appreciate the promptness with which you prepared it for us. We plan to use it in our i saue of November 8--that is our next paper. There is ho doubt in my mind but that farmers and farm boys will read it with much interest. Sincerely yours, Roderick Turnbull ' November 9, 1939 Mate Te Le Thaxton, Thaxton'g Foot Comfort Shop, 915 Grand Avenue, | ‘Dear Me Theotone - , Thank you for your kind letter of the sixth instant. i am sure that the shoes will be repaired in a most satis factory mannere : If you are able to secure the foot charts, we shall be able to use them to good advantages With best wishes I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coaches FCA ga @ FOOT-s0-PORT HEALTH SHOES THAXTON’S FOOT COMFORT SHOP 915 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. 11-6-39. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Recreation, University Of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Your shoes were received today and with them the informat ion as to how they are to be repaired and returned to you direct from the factory, as that will eliminate a double ‘postage. When I beceived your letter a few days ago in regard to the carded educational information my factory has, ft at once wrote to them . Today 1 received a lwtter from them and they state that they send out gratis 9 charts to physical education teachers, but you will notice that they advertise these shoes on those charts under the trade name Health Spot Shoes. You sending your customers direct to my shop that name will not conflict with my trade name on these shoes as Foot-so-Port Health Shoes as they are the same shoe or shoese I truly appreciate your intrests shown Dr. Allen to me and this line of shoes as they are Americas greatest Health Shoes. I am quite sure that you know that the customers sent to my shop will always be fitted right and treated right. I am notifying the factory today to send you your 9 char- ts at once direct from the factorye I know you know that the shoes will do the job right, because if they had'nt you would not of purchasdd the pairs you have after your first pair. I want to thank you again Dr Allen for my self and also for Mr Musebeck, for being such a true booster for Health Spot and Foot-so-Port Health Shoes. These shoes are true winners to, Just like that wonderful basket ball team you piolet. My business relations with you has been very pleasent, I truly hope it will last always. 3 fA Sincerely, 7 ~ ~-7Y i\ ACTA ChrBMerkipAumsns Chiy Stee. CIRCULATION 450,000 ONE YEAR PAID IN ADVANCE SUBSCRIBERS November 135, 1939. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University oi Kansas Lawrence. Dear Mr. Allen: ft have mailed this afternoon four copies of The Weekly Star of last Wednesday, which carries your article. I am sorry I am so late about this. However, last Wednesday afternoon my mother at Maple Hill, Kas., died unexpectedly; I went up there and did not Sin a oe Famatall | ( selené Turnbull return to the office until today.