my 2, 19596 Mate Mark seat, Assistant Business Manager, Topeka, f ansase ‘Dear Mr. Krouchs I am enclosing carbon copy of a letter I have written to the We Ae le Thompson Herdware Canpany, of Topeka, fran whom we purchased six sponge rubber gyumasium mats iast Septembers As explained in the letter, we are not satis- fied “ith thees mts, and are disappointed tint they have not held up any better. inc tS Acaiteed veel O68 iden ws weit ow Bee tar cae cree ae oc aa tee the Re Se Elliott Company, of Kansas City. We poid 929.97 each for the mats from Thompson's, end Fllictt's bid was $56.00 each, but we had seen a sample of Blliott‘'s mat and inew thet it was a good quality. ‘Haturally we desire to spend our budgetary allownce as econmically as possible, and we had expected that the mats gir tagcat rele ia. charge bn iy arg We trust thet when the representative of the Thompson larde ware Conpany sees the mts he can suggest some wy of re~ tataentng Cathe I just wented you to lctiow about the situations. Thank you for your courteous consideration of our problens in the past, and with best wishes, Ian. Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FPCAsAH Varsity Baskethdl Coache Ente