* Board of Education CHAS. E. MILLER, Director FRED BERNHARDT, SEc'y FRED ZOELLNER, TREASURER Conganoxie Rural High School Claes A Beisel H. A. WILLIAMSON, Principat MEMBER NorTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION -_ - OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY Conganoxic, Kansas . ae October 24, 1938 Dr. Forest ©. Allen: Dept. Of Physical Education, Kansas Univer Lawrence, Kansas ™m ity Dear Dr. Allen: I was very pleased to receive your letter aceepying my invitation to come to Tonganoxie, Nov.10. We are makine great plans for that day hope you will stay as long as you consider advisable. + failed in my last letter to sight any choice of subjects for assembly. As my students very well knov who you are it would be in keeping with your position to develop a few positive characteristics of sportsmanship Cc A ang f+ etrine Pan ¥ bs ge ¥: and "playing the game”. ou, better than I, know what thoughts are most valuable in counselling young people. P. Af very truly Lt lptorarze— HAW:EP H. A. Williamson