oe Me eee PRA Rap EERE AE RE Te ge ee RT NS aR Ee eee SRoe eye tales Facey al EE ake eS a ey eee ne So ar ee PR] ATT LD Teachers College, Columbia University New York City ree RR Eee ee one art waaee ee renee re A ts 0 ATC FALL 1938: RECENT AND FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS Items starred are in press. (C E, Contributions to Education series. ART Education Today - 1958. 1354 pp. Illus. Paper $1.25. *ATYEO, Henry C. The Excursion as a Teaching Technique. (C E) BENNETT, Chester C. An Inquiry into the Genesis of Poor Reading. @ieth $b. 60. (CB onds<755) BOND, Eva. Reading and Ninth Grade Achievement. 61 pp. Cloth $1.60. (C E no. 756) *BORGESON, Gertrude M. Techniques Used by the Teacher During the Nursery School Luncheon Period. (C D M) *BRIGGS, Thomas H. and Others. Labora- tory Techniques of Teaching: The Con- tribution of Research to Teachers Planning the Individualization of Instruction. CHRISTIANSON, Helen. Bodily Rhythmic Movements of Young Children in Rela- tion to Rhythm in Music. 196 pp. Cloth<:$2:10) <(CiEond. <256) *COLE, Mary I. Cooperation Between the Faculty of the Campus Elementary Training School and the Other Depart- ments of Teachers Colleges and Normal Schools. (CE no. 746) COULBOURN, John. Selection of Teachers in Large City School Systems. 177 pp. Choth: $1.85. :c(C/Bino. 1740) *DAVIES, Joseph Earl. Fundamentals of Housing Study. (C Eono. 759) *EVANS, Robert 0. Practices, Trends, and Issues in Reporting to Parents on the Welfare of the Child in School. *EVENDEN, E. S.; Strayer, G. D.; and Engelhardt, N. L. Standards for Col- lege Buildings. FAWCETT, Harold P. The Nature of Proof: A Description and Evaluation of Cer- tain Procedures Used in a Senior High ‘School to Develop an Understanding of the Nature of Proof. 146 pp. Cloth $1.75. (Thirteenth Yearbook of Nation- al Council of Teachers of Mathematics) *GATES, Arthur I. Gates Reading Survey: Level of Comprehension, Speed, Accuracy, and Vocabulary. Forms I and II. For grades 35 to le. 139 ‘pp. osetia Ss ene eter RES Sa i Cee abe ae fo A eRe Be AUD WLS at ey *HENDRICKSON, Andrew. *HERBER, Howard T. *HOLT, Andrew David. JOHNSON, John Theodore. *KANGLEY, Lucy. *KENDALL, Glenn M. *KUHN, Effie G. *LOMBARDI, Maryellen Maher. as ie a ia en SS a A ir a a ree Da tara RAN ot aa C DM, Child Development Monographs) GATES, Arthur I. and Strang, Ruth. Gates-Strang Health Knowledge Tests: revised edition. Foms A, B, C, (for grades 3 to 8); Forms D, E, F (for grades 7 to 12). Each form $3.15 per 100; $25.20 per 1000. Specimen set 15 cents. GELLERMANN, William. The American Legion as Educator. 280 pp. Cloth $3.15. (C E no. 743) HAGGERTY, Helen Ruth. Certain Factors in the Professional Education of Women Teachers of Physical Education. 87 pp. Choth $1.60 eeu6@ Bmes 74h) Adult Education Courses of Study: An Appraisal. (Occa- sional Papers on Adult Education) The Influence of the Public Works Administration on School Building Construction in New York State, 1933-1936. (C E) Struggle for a State System of Public Schools in Tennessee, 1903-1936. (CE no. 753) *JERSILD, Arthur T. and Fite, Mary D. The Influence of Nursery School Ex- perience on Children's Social Ad- justments. (C D M) The Relative Merits of Three Methods of Subtraction: An Experimental Comparison of the De- composition Method of Subtraction with the Equal Additions Method and the Austrian Method. 76 pp. Cloth $1.60. (G:E+n0.3: 758) Poetry Preferences in (C.Ben0.2758) A Manual on the Or- ganization and Teaching of Social and Economic Studies in Correctional Institutions. the Junior High School. Practice in Vowel Pro- nunciation: An Experimental Study in Evaluating Materials on the Fresh- man College Level. (C E no. 757) The Inter- Trait Rating Technique. (CE )