K.B. TAYLOR GENERAL AGENT NEW YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM S 1200 COoLCORD BUILDING TELEPHONE 77-3440 OKLAHOMA CITY,OKLAHOMA Dre Bs cy Mllen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Docs Congratulations on Friday nights wine It was bad that weather conditions prevented so many of us coming to Norman the 18th; however, the Jay Hawkers conducted themselves ably even without our moral and vocal support. It was indeed @ pleasure to get to see you and say hello ageine I have missed the pleasant association _ with your department especially the ministrations to my ankle since coming to this territory. The enclosed article from our Oklahoma City paper, February 20th, gave us the idea we might secure @ little business for our System to New York. Is there anything to the supposition that some team from this territory may be included in the National Tournament, March 14-16. How about your's or Hugh McDermott's team? I would be pleased to have &@ word from you whenever you find the opportunity. Very sincerely7yours;, KET.S | The Route or THE TwentierH Century Liwirep