February 12, 1958. Director of Physical Education, h Varsity Basketball Coaches KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI February 10, 1938 Dr. Forrest cC. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: We recently sent you an official laceless Basketball on -Which we had a special price, to try out. We today received a letter from oe in . e ro ie te OT PF ont a e the factory advising that they have five ol these balls which are perfect except that they are slightly soiled, on which we can onee. = ortee of $4.95 asch. They are official . iaceless balls of first quality and would make wonderful ee wou for practice. lr you are interested, value ror y UU ages avy rour order we will se very giad indeed to havé your oe? y i Q uv ? sal @ We have to offer them subject to prior Yours KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI February 15, 193 @ OO Kanasa nansa ~~ April i9, 1938 Ure Je Ee Turner, Kansas City Sport Goods Coe, Kansas City, Moe Director of Physical Varsity Basketball gas Uh, Fit li , nH 8 4 j g gis : HL a a8 : : it pid i iF i KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI April 14, 1968 _ Dr. Forrest ©. Alilén Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: We appreciate your order for the Ténni Ne and will try to get them out to. you idme We will make a special bill on the o6 2l1-thread Tarred Nets. We will invoice all of them in duplicate. Your business is always mighty welcome. When you are down this way, be sure to .come in to see us. I have been hoping 1 could get up and have a golf game some time. If you are still playing on Sunday mornings, let me know and I will trv to come up some day and give you a lésson. : KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS COMP ANY KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI April 15, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allén Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen; On the Tennis Nets, in shipping them out I fovwnd we were able to sénad you-- /, 2 $6x 3' 2i-thread Tarred / } 42x 5' ° 21-thread | y 4 $223 SO-threed "(This Net, by the way, 4s a double top, which I did not notice in taking the inventory, but it will give you that much better Net. Also shipped you the 36x 5/ , SQO-thread white Net, hunt Ll found a tee oe x a oO Wiles i Wy We) (THIS SIDE OF CARTS Dre Fe Co Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Topeka--12--5--37 ~~ past Doctor ae % cena for the spy ‘of your radio briadcast. . I hope you can FSt your department built up &s you would like to have it, so that you can furnish the service the state needs in your line. Cordially yours, EL Ee A. Thomas. 8G nbd dob. p- lle fs — , fin He a i stHo tfeapt ie Gs gE ie: ra wi i ly i pills: SH dg id, yi ae 7 u aie ae Dec. 2, 1957. To the member addressed: The annual meeting of the Teachers and Employees Association of the University of Kansas will be held Friday, Dec. 10, 1937, in 105 East Administration at 4:50 P.M. It is urgently requested that all members attend this meeting as important matters con- cerning our Group Insurance will be up for discussion as well as the election of two new members to the Board. Yours truly, KARL KLOOZ, Sec'ty-Treas. 5 i a i a i a cel tcc a da hac finhasid