BA-2 REV. 10-37 BS TALON inc. ly Wekire ad JEIER Vib eae MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA We 11/11/37 inks * DR FORREST C ALLEN . NC 6900 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS — LAWRENCE KANSAS "Mise YOUR ORDER NO. SHIPPED TO VIA pp TERMS: NO CHG M APPLICATION THIS INVOICE COVERS DELIVERY AGAINST YOUR ORDER ABOVE SPECIFIED AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STATED IN OUR STANDARD ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM. MERCHANDISE COVERED BY THIS INVOICE IS SHIPPED ON EXPRESS CONDITION THAT THE PURCHASER’S REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DELIVERY FREE OF CHARGE BY US OF SPECIFIC MERCHANDISE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE HERE INVOICED AND FOUND BY US TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP. SLIDER REG. OR FABRIC SIZE - OF [Meta SEP. COLOR LENGTH QUANTITY — PRICE EACH AMOUNT 3 WARM UP JACKETS NO CHG WHEN REORDERING KINDLY REF ER TO THIS INVOICE FOR FASS TEE SPECIFOCAELONS BA-2 REV. 10-37 DUPLICATE INVOICE Thee Makers of TALON Slide Fasteners MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA DATE 11/11/37 SOLD TO | e DR FORREST C ALLEN ® INVOICE NO. NC 6900 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS a LAWRENCE KANSAS .. MISC YOUR ORDER NO. SUPP ED 10 VIA | PP TERMS: NO CHG M APPLICATION THIS INVOICE COVERS DELIVERY AGAINST YOUR ORDER ABOVE SPECIFIED AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS STATED IN OUR STANDARD ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM. MERCHANDISE COVERED BY THIS INVOICE IS SHIPPED ON EXPRESS CONDITION THAT THE PURCHASER’S REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE DELIVERY FREE OF CHARGE BY US.OF SPECIFIC MERCHANDISE OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE IN EXCHANGE FOR MERCHANDISE HERE INVOICED AND FOUND BY US TO BE DEFECTIVE IN MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP. SIZE eres I cos oe | oe LENGTH QUANTITY PRICE EACH AMOUNT 3 WARM UP JACKET NO CHG WHEN REORDERING ee Ue | REFER T 0 THIS PN YVCT CE FOR FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT eet - Hookless Fastener Company announces that by action of its shareholders on October 5, 1937, the Company name was changed to Talon, Ine. This change of name, more closely identifying the Company with “TALON”, the registered trade-mark for its slide fastener product, involves no change whatsoever in the Company itself, its directors, officers, management or policies. Talon, Inc. is the same corporation in every respect,- Hookless Fastener Company with a new name. LEWIS WALKER President “November 22, 1987s in the School of Binoation we are endeavoring to arrive at . Certain pertinent facts which will be conducive to our serve ing the schools of Kensas in a more intelligent ways - WALL you be kind enough to send us the follow- ing information: iow meny high schools in the state ere participating in competitive football? In caupetitive basket— ball? In competitive track? ‘In canpetitive basebail? I will appreciate it if you will ae information at your early conveniences Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH | Diweotor of Physical Educations Hovenber 8, 1937. a3 Hh . : i : ie ee sit iva fy Bs i He li $43 3 cg With every good wigh, I em Vey FCA; AH E. R. STEVENS, President Independence J. R. JONES, Vice-President Sublette _ E.A. FUNK, Treasurer Arkansas City E. A. THOMAS, Executive Secretary CLIFFORD D. DEAN, Russell D. E. WOLGAST, Marysville J. £. BOWERS, Seneca MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS 315 WEST TENTH STREET POST OFFICE BOX 14 TOPEKA OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-0175 October 22, 1937 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc:= - I received your letter and am glad that you can be here for pre-view of the new basketball film. The meeting will be held at the Jayhawk hotel in their convention hall at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, November 7th. If there are any further development I shall let you knowe Best Wishes, Se Vase October 15, 1937. Hy, See Taylor, Sports Editor, Des Moines Register—Pribune, - Des Moines, Iowa, Dear Sees i Please do not think that I am meddling when I offer a suggestion, whether it is worth anything or not. You mentioned your coaches clinic and I wanted to tell you about a new basketball picture that Clair Bee, of Long Island University, Dr, H, C, Carlson, of the University of Pittsburgh, Dave Mellillan, of Minnesota, George Koegan, of Notre Dame, John Sunn, of Stanford, and I shot for the Wilson Sporting Goods Creat Chicago, Con-= verse, of Waltham, Mass,, and Phillips "66", | I heven't even seen a preview of this film, but those who have seen it say it is a cee All of the coaches used the same team Phillips "66", to demonstrate their stuff with, Bach coach had introductory remarks to make cone. cerning the type of work that he was to demonstrate anc then the shooting of the picture followed, 3 Bob Russell, of the Lawler Sport- ing Goods firm at Lincoln, Nobraska, is one of the promoters and sponsors of this picture, He is interested in movie talkie educational films, and I believe that you could prevail upon him to show that at the coaches meeting, or else he would tell you who the Iowa representative is ani you could contact hin, : The Lowe-Camphell people and the others who haye seen it pronounce it a splendid film, I know how impressionable people are regaré- ing movies end this should be a help to you in your program, | You doubtless have seen the film thet I_made for the Eastman Kodak Company two years ago. it is a silent movie, but the fundamentals are the silent movie than they moie exhaustibly shown in are in this short of the stuff that I show with the other coaches » | | : ZI had planned to e off in Des Moines to see you on my way back from Okoboji, but my father passed away on Friday, the last day that Iwas there, so i had to hasten my sohedule and take a train out earlier than I had plenned, Pre- viously I hed ied to drive to Des Moines with Vie Young, of -Campbell's, _ Ie there anything that I can do to help you promote your program? re there is, I will be very happy to do go, : | Please remember us kindly te Mrs, Taylor and your two sons. ; With every good wish, I am Sineerely yours, FOALAR Director of Physical Bdueation, October 20 s 1937, lip, BE. A, Thomas, emasive Seeretary, Kansas State High School Athletic Assn., S15 West 10th Street, Topeka, Kansas, Dear Tommy: ‘ ores be glad to be present at ovenmber the showing of the basketball talkie on ¥. 7th, Way I ask where ts film will be shown? Very cordially yours, FCAsAH Director of Physical Edveation, CLIFFORD D. DEAN, E.R. STEVENS, President Independence Russell D. E. WOLGAST, te Marysville J. R. JONES, Vice-President Sublette E. A. FUNK, Treasurer J.E. a Arkansas City eneca MEMBER OF NATIONAL FEDERATION OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS 315 WEST TENTH STREET POST OFFICE BOX 14 OFFICE PHONE 2-0370 RESIDENCE PHONE 2-0175 £. A. THOMAS, Executive Secretary TOPEKA ecu ae Lee meet Loved taelatla Ot pits ee i Uctober 8, 19357. Mr. Harold G, Townsend, SS Werth LaSalle St., Chicago, Illinois, : My deay Brother Townsend: Your inquiry of September 27 concerning Nr, Harold Evans, Jr., of 9 West S7th Street, Kansas City is before mes I trust that you will on the slight delay that the inquiry has occasioned. I am sending you the information that I received from Registrar George 0. Foster, of the University of Kansas, . — i have known young Evans' father, Harold vans, of Kansas City, for a groat many years. I knew him as an undergraduate and a pledge of Phi Kappa Psi, and I have followed him through the years of his Univer- sity course and after his graduation, He was always one of the substantial Phi Psi's, enthusiastic, loyal, ani Gependable. Harold Evans, Sr., always was one of the old boys who came back at the call when the chapter needed him. And he still does the sane, If young Harold Evans is the type of man that his father is, and the feeling among the boys of * the chapter on Mount Oread is that Harold is that type fellow, then I think you need have no worry about the. oan. , I was down at the house for luncheon the other day with Brether Ralph Spotts and his wife, who now live near Los Angeles. I opportunity to speak to young Harold Byans, and my impression is that . he is a fine young man. He seems to morit this from all-of his fellow Phi Psi's, Perheps it might be well to state that in this part of the country when a stwient is not especial ly strong in his acadenie work the University of Kansas will not accept him from a high school out of the state if his grades do not average a “"C" rating, on the basis of A, B, of the high school C, D, without the recommendation principal of the out of state school. The Unive places them on probation end they must make a at the University to remain there, relty ¢g" average : | I am very certain that the probation that he was placed upon was of this sort, With every good wish, I em Yours in the bond, PCA3AE | Dapector of Physical Education, Harold D, Evans - Entered Fall '36, on probation on recommendation of high school principal; Southwest High School, K. C. Mo, In fall semester, 19356, made the following credits: 5 hrs, A 5 hrs, B 2 hrs. C 5 hrs. D (Met probation re- quirements) Spring semester: 5 hrs, 5B 5 hrs. © 7 bes, D Is now enrolled as a sophomore, = 5 Sx SAOSIN ATEN ees iy oP i Fee ee TRUSTEES YY GEORGE A. MOORE, CHAIRMAN fo) 1810 REPUBLIC BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO HAROLD G. TOWNSEND, SECRETARY-TREASURER 33 NORTH LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE LAWRENCE H. WHITING 666 LAKE SHORE DRIVE, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PHI KAPPA PSI FRATERNITY (INCORPORATED } sa Be is Shea ches Chicago, Illinois beptember 27, 1937 ie Dr. F. C. Alien birector oi Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ete ease ene Dear sir: Ai ai ian 2 Pi ate ee Mr. Harold tvans, of 9 West 57th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, and at present a student at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, has applied to our Endowment Fund for a loan to enable him to complete his university course. Will you be kind enough to advise me at your earliest convenience as to Mr. Evans! 4 scholastic record, honesty, character and gen- “a eral reputation? Any information which you may give us will be considered as strictly confidential. Very truly yours, ! HGT: j secretary-Treasurer _ 4 fee fe MITT pe coweTgsreg we eenrceyA . JureLmerrou upon how 3 6LeT LebmeseTOuS ecpoTseris Les af Lon ave? a ee 92 TT hom pe pug evonty co. 8 erngeup wc eye p ABT As: epLess* yevete cTLA wa BELOTG TASTE? Desi Oyu: MLGUGS* PTLEGLOL oF pe" &* CO" vITeH To Latins ay Ee KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI September 30, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen . Director of Physical “ducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have- yours of September 27 and am mighty sorry to hear of Jack's illness. I _ of course will not mention it to. anyone and i hope that he snaps out of it in good shape. I rather took a liking to the boy. Originally he thought he wanted to go to Stanford, but I discouraged him as 1 was quite sure that. his scholarship would not get him in, ane 4 doubted whether he would do well so far from home. I encouraged him to go to Lawrence, as I felt that was the proper place for him. snaps out of his good boy, TI am sure. lubs jith eference to the caps for the goit ¢ ’ , donk you these yesterday and hope they work out in good shape. ic Sincerely, Ska, 4 if ke iliness he will make a mighty KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI . fy \ ctober 2, 1937 (“> i 9 \ Om.. oo a Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I newe yours of October 1, and the factory was very glad to furnish the caps for the golf clubs without charge. After the golf season is over, if your cludes are showing any signs of rust we can reve them replated for you at 25¢ per clubv, which will put them in absolutely new condition. Aise, i you eare to have your wood clubs refinished at any time, our boys do 4a Sot of this work and the cost is not very heavy. I was glad to see the Football Team come through in good shape last night and hope that the Big Six Conference battle is considerably more even and more of a dog fight this year than it has been for some time. I really think it is better for the schools and the Conference to have the teams pretty evenly matched and every game more or less a pattle. Yours sincerely, KANSAS, C SPORT GOODS CO. ™~ CITY. MISSOURI an September 28, 1937 iN Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: We have the University's order #68143 today for the three dozen cotton Gym Shirts. There are no sizes specified but we will give you 4a good assortment of the average range of sizes. If you desire to make any exchanges’ we will be glad to exchange sizes. we will give you mainly sizes 36 to 40, which is about the average run of university sizes, with perhaps a few 34s and 428. The order is appreciated. JET :G Yours very truly, GOODS COMPANY October i, 1937. Thenls very much for the set of caps for my golf clubs. i had ted to pay you for these. However, I am enclosing postage to cover the cost of mailing. I greatly wpreciate your rind< | ness in this matter, | , Sincerely yours, PCAs AH Director of Physical Education, INVOICE KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. P. O. Box 35 9 30 37 KANSAS CITY, MO. Our Order No. 930015 Your Order No. Soldto Dr, Forest C, Allen, | Dir. Phys. Educ., Sent via At University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Shipped to At — _ Positively no goods returned without previous correspondence and our consent. No claims allowed after 10 days from receipt of goods. Special order items, such as sweaters with service stripes, cannot be returned for credit. Returned merchandise MUST be sent in by INSURED PREPAID parcel post or PREPAID express. 1 Set grip caps Terms 2% cash discount if paid in ten days. Thirty days net KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI September 29, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allen: Under separate cover I am mailing you some caps for the ends of your golf clubs and also some of the little buttons out of the center of the caps. I believe you can get some of the boys probably to put these in for you, but if not, if you will send the clubs down or bring them the first time you come, 1 will have the poys here fix them. I believe, however, if you get a little good marine glue these will hold for you. aaron JET:G “sincerely, KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI September 24, 1937 Dr. Forrest Cc. Allien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have yours of September 22 and will be mighty glad indeed to_ have your order for the cotton gym shirts, and you will find them a good value. Your business is always very welcome, no matter how small the order may be. In the first place we need the business and small orders are mighty ealcome. In the second place it is 8 pleasure to ca 46 ue eels to Ser At ee CU numbered among our customers. to be in Lawrence one of these days, soon, a. in and say "Hello." and will drop September 27, 1937. lir, J, E, Turne Kansas City s seek Goods Co., Kansas City, ko. Dear Cap: Yes, I did know that Jack Buckman from Argentine High School had entered K.U. Principal Seema Se. SS res ate came cowne I knew all about the unfortunate setiaihiabins in the high school. in fact, i wrote him - &@ letter in long hand as soon as the aneident | happened and admonished him to keep a "lip upper starr". I told him that all of us made mistakes, and that if. he éid not make the same mistake again he would perhaps profit by his error. One unfortunate thing about Jack is that on the very day he came down here to enroll he took very i111, He is now in the University hospital and has been for over a week. The case’was diagnosed as intestinal influenza, but he hes some trouble with the blood corpuscles, The granular type and the oval type are just reversed, which any physician would say is not a healthy condition, so they have him over there under observation, I wish you would keep this in entire confidence as the physicians, of course, would not want to spread — a statement as it might give rise to wild rumor. I would say that the boy has a serious illness, but one which, I hope, is amenable to treatment. They have not been ab "to éiagnose the case as yet, although he is much better and more hopeful of a speedy recovery. However, it does inter- fere terribly with his school work, and I am afraid he will get so far behind that he will not be able to make the grade. : By the wa Cap can you itan three or four of those bone aoe for the go pee luds? I don*t care whether the numbers are on or not. i just want to plug up the openings. They all seem to come out so easily that I believe the fellow that / #2 - Mr. d. E. Turner, bought the glue that was used in the end of the clubs. did not get a ery high grade. I would be mighty happy to have you come up any Sunday and play golf on our now course, fairways are not good, but the greens are in good shape, and I would be happy to to have you, We have had a terrible drouth eround Lawrence here and the grass is really in a bad way, With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, FCA3AH Director of Physical Edueation. KANSAS CITY SPORT GOODS CO. KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI! September 24, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I presume you know that Jack Puckman of the Argentine High School has entered K. % this fall. This boy had a little unfortunate experience with one of the officials in a basketball game here, and was suspended, but I think the experience was a good lesson to him. I know the boy quite well and he is a very likable iad and 1 do not believe he will ever have any more trouble of the kind. He is a splendid basketball prospect and is an extraordinary high jumper for a high school boy, having c leare 6 ft-., 5-1/2 inches in high school. 1 velieve en will fine Bim 8 splendid basketball prospect and Ll think it will pay you to show him just a little personal attention. .- He may make you an outstanding star. 7 ~ qd have a to come up some unday ani be eek you if you have time to indulge in such frivolities on Sunday. September 25, 1937. ip, Je Fe Zaylor Superintenient, De Kalb Public Sehools, DeKalb, Missouri. Dear ds» F.3 I em heppy that you landed a better job. Good luck? i am earner you @ little excerpt on the new bock that will be out ebout the first of November, published by the McGraw-Hill Book Sincerely yours, . PCAs AR Director of Physical Education. DEKALB PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEKALB, MO. Sept. 24, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter forwarded here, and I am glad to re- ceive it. All was set for another man and myself at Norton- ville, I would have Science and Math., coach basket ball, and help in track - the other man teach Commerce and coach base ball, and track. Supt. Stover called me to confer with him in Kansas City, and that day the other man accepted a better salary elsewhere. Then Supt. S. tried to find another man to teach Commerce, and assist in coaching, but was unable to find one at his salary offer. Then he decided to take another (younger) man for coaching, and use a woman for Commerce. We employed the Commercial teacher he intended to use - had called her to come to Nortonville. Had the first plan gone thru, perhaps I would be in Nortonville. But, delay there, and I accepted here one day before final word from Nortonville. A much better sal- ary offer here, altho a fair one, only. We have a new school plant about half completed, and school is moving along - soft ball season now. Soon we will start basket ball, and I have some fair material from last season. Egpressing appreciation for my several courses with you, and thanking you for your assistance in many ways, I am extending best wishes for your seccess in the new ar- rangement in Physical Education in the University. Sincerely your Supt. JFT/ September 25, 1937. ip, Sewald Tower, . Gaitor, Baske thal Rules, Andover, Hass, | Dear Ons _ Bee basketball rules have not found their way out here in printed form, as yet. Tf am wordering if you heve received your copy, or ao oe know when they expect to put them in the . mead s Z trust that you had a very pleasant veeation this summer, My kindest regards to you ané your femiiy, . , Sincerely yours, _FOAsAH Davector of Physical iducation.