= 5 Sx SAOSIN ATEN ees iy oP i Fee ee TRUSTEES YY GEORGE A. MOORE, CHAIRMAN fo) 1810 REPUBLIC BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO HAROLD G. TOWNSEND, SECRETARY-TREASURER 33 NORTH LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS THE LAWRENCE H. WHITING 666 LAKE SHORE DRIVE, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS PHI KAPPA PSI FRATERNITY (INCORPORATED } sa Be is Shea ches Chicago, Illinois beptember 27, 1937 ie Dr. F. C. Alien birector oi Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ete ease ene Dear sir: Ai ai ian 2 Pi ate ee Mr. Harold tvans, of 9 West 57th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, and at present a student at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, has applied to our Endowment Fund for a loan to enable him to complete his university course. Will you be kind enough to advise me at your earliest convenience as to Mr. Evans! 4 scholastic record, honesty, character and gen- “a eral reputation? Any information which you may give us will be considered as strictly confidential. Very truly yours, ! HGT: j secretary-Treasurer _ 4