31M Elementary Swimming Second Quarter, 1939 I Objectives: le 26 Se 4. 5e To teach and develop the ability of every boy to swim at least 50 yerds. To teach the proper form to be used in swimming the crawl, sidestroke, and elementary back strokes. To develop skill in swimming the above strokes. To teach personal and group safety measures to be observed both in the water and around the pool. To present and teach recommended practices and approved methods of: (a) Organizing and conducting classes. (b) Teaching the techniques cf swimming. II Content of Course in Swimming Skills: III le Ze Se 4 Se be Te Beginners steps and drills Elements of the crawl Deep water (personal) safety skills and tests @) Treading water b) Relieving cremp (c) Turning (d) Float (f) Sinking and raising self | (g) Recovery from collision Elementary back strokes (a) Elementary flutter kick on back {(b) Seulling 7 (c) Inverted breast stroke Crawl (a) Explanation and practice of various styles (o>) Emphasis on form (c) Speed tests Side Stroke (a) Form (bo) Distance tests General fundamentals Plain front dive "Rest" tums (used in distance swimming) (d) Racing turns : (e) Racing starts (f) Swimming under weter. 3 Surface dive Content of Course in Methods of Teaching: le Mehtods of class organization for (a) Economy of time (b) Safety (c) Individual progression (d) Menipulating and handling class as a group 3} Homogeneous grouping for maintenance of interest Basis of grading ~Ze 2. General methods of teaching demonstrated and used (a) mass method (ob) Use of student assistants (c) Division of class into squads with student leaders 3. Specific methods emphasized and taught (a) Progressive steps in teaching beginners (>) Importance and teaching of personal water safety skills (c) Explanation, demonstration and practice methods (2) Land drills, weter drills and use (6) Use of whole and part method TV Time Allotment of Course 1. First meetings--full period of ability testing for purpose of proper grouping. 2. Second meeting--full hour lecture on methods of teaching and swimming techniquese 3. Fifteen meetings--combination lhedture, instruction and practice. 4. Last meeting--full hour written test Note of Recommendation for 31M and 33M swimming: T. SIM swimming should be divided into beginners and swimmers. 2, Forter group should be in pool during first quarter(when pool is Lowe ) 3. This course should be definitely coordinated with 33M. Ae Be De Ee 51M TUMBLING One semester, 8:30 M.W.F. The Tumbler's Manual by William R. Laport and Al Ge Renner Teaching Techniques Short warm-up period Use variations Tumbling stunts as part of routine Definite progression Stimulate group activity Safety Techniques l. Releting to the performer 2-e Relating to the instructor Se Relating to the equipment The Roll Progression Forward Roll Shoulder roll Dive Side roll Backward roll Double roil The Inverted Balance Progression Squat hand balance Head and hand balance Forearm balance Hand balance Hand balance pull over Snap down $ Backward roll to hand balance Chest roll Jump through Cartwheel The Handspring Progression Neckspring Headspring Bent-arm handspring Straight-arm handspring Neck-lift front handspring ~2e Grip Nomenclature Hand-lock grip Wrist-lock grip Handshake grip Thumb-lock grip Foot-to-hand grip Arm-to-arm grip Companion Balance Progression Foot-to-hand balance Thigh stand Knee stand a Walk-up shoulder mount Hand=-to-heel shoulder mount Assisted jump shoulder mount Low arm-to-arm ba lance High arm-to-arm balance The Front Somersault Progression Locked-leg rocker Assisted somersault over knees Straddle-1ift front somersault Neck-throw front somersault Assisted somersault from buttocks: Hend-to-foot pitch somersault Ankle-lift front somersault Front somersault The Back Handspring Progression Round off Back=to-back pull-