42. To complete the Advanced Swimmer course one has merely to develop out of the three basic styles, six others that are but variations, and add to them some miscellaneous water skills which vill meke of him an all-around swimmer. No pupil may quelify for an Advanced Svimmer Certificate unless he has taken and passed either the Junior or Senior Life Saving and Water Safety Course, It is out belief that this course ill be of material assistance to high schools and colleges in conducting a full term or semester assistance to high schools and colleges in conducting a full term or semester swimming program. Successful completion of the course also entitles the pupil to the Advanced Svimmer Certificate. The general content of Junior end Senior Life, Saving end Water Safety shovs that the original concept of Life Saving has changed materially. Water Safety is primarily based upon kmorledge not to be acquired haphazardly and to be taught as a part of Life Saving. Personel safety and self-rescue skills heve a new importance. An instructor who has conscientiously followed the outline is priviledged to qualify a pupil as e Junior or Senior who should be ouite capable of teking care of himself and have the ability to aid or rescue anyone in danger of drowning by the best and safest method applying to the situaction, In the courses of swimming,Life Saving and Tater Safety only quelified and authorized Red Cross %ter Safety Instructors may conduct the courses for Red Cross certificates. An individual who fails to surround himself with the knowledge provided in a Water Safety Education Course but persists in a career of chance- taking in and about the veter obviously is gembling with his life, An aquatic accident, logically, is not en accident when it is the manifestation of un- necessary chancc, the result of which mst surely lead to casualty. Thus the Red Cross dedicates itself anew in helping to meke our communities safer and happier ones for the enjoyment of America's number 1 recreation, swimming. Lest ve regret!