August 18, 1943. Mr. W. &, Shatto, Slater Tile & Mantel Co., 2614-16 Sumit Ste, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Shatto: We are now desirous of getting an estimte of the cost of rebuilding our swimming pool, making it the standard iength of 6) feet, with a sloping floor, replacing all the tile, and adding scum gut ° ; i would appreviate it if you would give me your bid on such a job at your early convenience. Inasmuch as we are training Navy V-12 and Aray A-12 stulents at the Univ- ersity, I believe we could provide the necessary priorities. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. June 18, 1943. Mr. W. &. Shatto, Slater Tile & Mantel Co., 2514-16 Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Shatto: Thank you very much for your very in- formative letter of Jume 14th concerning repairs for our swimming pool. I em sending this information along t our Budget Committee. If they desire any further aotion I will be happy to get in touch with you. With appreciation, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Versity Basketball Coach. ety . = “ Suntile J. M. SLATER Sy | HARRISON 6266 Slater Tile And Mantel Company 2514-16 Summit Street KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI June 14, 1943 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach - University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We realize we have been very neglectful in writing you relative to the swimming pool; but owing to the condition we found this pool to be in, we tried to get some information before writing you which might enable you to get some idea of what might have to be done to make this a pool of first class condition. In the first place, the tile in the pool is in such bad condition it would be useless to try to repair it. You spoke about installing twelve or thirteen hundred pes., and we feel sure when that twelve or thirteen pes. is installed, there would be no place to stop. The pool is very antique, and the scum gutter is useless where it is located. Besides, the leak in the pool is probably in the cement back- ing behind the tile; as, of course, you readily under- stand that if the tile has hot the proper backing (what I mean by that is a water-proof reinforced concrete) you would still have the leak if new tile were installed. We also noted when checking this pool that the pipes were all rusting and certainly were very unsanitary and unsightly, so we feel sure you want those changed. In other words, we feel it would be much better to spend the money it would cost to repair this pool, which then would probably not be satisfactory, on the installation of a new pool entirely; and that is the reason of our delay in writing. We have checked with a number of contractors who have built swimming pools, and we find there is only about one or two things to do in your case. One is: get the old tile out of there and see what kind of backing you have both on the floor and on the walls. if this cement basin is not too badly cracked, it could probably be water-proofed and made very satis- factory, and the tile could be installed on the pre- sent wall. If it is too badly deteriorated, of course it would be absolutely necessary to get a new basin. Then, besides that, to make this pool of standard regulation it should be extended to 60 ft. in length, ‘Which you could do very easily by adding 3 ft. on the east end and 7 ft. on the west end. Of course, if that is done, there will have to be a basin built on both those ends, and it is pretty hard to join concrete with the old concrete and make an absolutely water-proof job. As to the cost of construction, we are not in a posi- tion to give you anything definite at all on what the cost might be, since we do not know what is behind the present tile. We believe the tile could be installed, after proper backing is installed, for a sum around $5,000. However, this is only an approximate estimate, and we have no way of knowing and were not able to get anyone else to commit them- selves on what the other cost might be. If you decide to go into this matter further and let us know, we Will be glad to bring a general contractor over and go into the matter and get an approximate cost for the entire job. Thanking you for this inquiry and hoping to hear further from you, we remain Yours very truly SLATER TILE & MANTEL CO. . Wd, SIE W. S. Shatto WSS: LP dune 18, 1943. Conoh.. Pirector of Phys Varaity : FGAsh HG i a cy PHONE HA. 6266 i. S. Shatto, S.intile Lo-3613 2514-16 SUMMIT ST. KANSAS CITY, MO, May Sl, 1943. Mr. W. S. Shatto, of the Slater Tile and Mantel Company, of Kansas City, was in this morning measwwing the pool for rosin He estimates that over oighty per cent of the tile are bad. ee eS with tho rest, before sulmitting it to the budget committee. He is not et all optimistic about plugging the leaks in this outmoded pool. We took up all the features, such as end so forth, and he will get a bid to ws in a short while. te Very cordielly yours, Director of Physical Bducation, Coache dune il, 1943. Mr. Ww, Se Shatto, Slater Tile & Mantel Co., 2514~16 Sumit St., Kensas City, Mo. Deer Mr. Shatto: I have not yot received the letter you quindinel to write xegueding our edtueing pools I would likes to use your. recommendations to submit to the Chanc- ellor so that we might cet som action on necessary in- provements of the pool. Sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Bducation, 7 PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Conche September 6, 1943. Mr. Gustav F. Keller, Kansas City Marble and Tile Co., 50S0 Wyoming Street, Kansas City 8, Missouri. Dear Mr. Keller: Thank you for your letter of September 3. We shall know in a week or ten days and will advise you as to our deoision. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:All Varsity Basketball Coach. KANSAS Crryvy MARBLE & TILE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Narble, Nosaic, Structural Glass, Cerrazzo and Cile TELEPHONE, VALENTINE 6378 3030 WYOMING STREET KANSAS CriTy 8, MISSOURI September 3, 1943 University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas Attention of Forrest C Allen Gentlemens: In reply to your favor of Aug.31., we find that in the sizes given (without the 10 foot addition mentioned by you previously) the tile would cost approximately $3,800.00 (or $400.00 less than a 70 foot pool). In answer to your letter of Sept.1lst., the cost of a floor and 12" base in entire room (outside the pool) would be approximately $1,870.00 (One Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Dollars). When you have definitely decided on what you are going to do, we shall arrange to come to Lawrence and check over all the details. Yours very truly, KANSAS CITY MARBL D TILE COMPANY By Septexber 1, 1945. Mr. Gustav FP. Keller, / Kenses City Marble and Tile Co., SOSO Wyoring Street, Kensas City, Missouri. Dear Mr. Keller: . Since writing you yesterday in regard to our : ewinming pool, I wish to send you additional infortsation. In your estimate will you Kindly include the cost of tile for the floor area around the swimming pool, coving the corners and running the tile up 12 inches on the walls. The room dimensions are: 60'S" x 38’, and the pool dimensions 60* x 20'. Sincerely yours, ‘ Director of Physical Education, FCA sH | Varsity Basketball Coach. August Sl, 1943. I appreciate very much your letter of August S0th and the drawing of a suggested swinning FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 23, 1943. Mr. Gustav F. Kellery’, Kansas City Marble and Tile Co., 30% Wyoming Street, 3 Kansas City 8, Missouri. Doar Mrs Kellery: Shesii ane Siar oleh Saline toageeh AS miei inquiry on rebuilding our swimming pool. In answer to your questions, our pool at present . © feet in length, and 20 feet in width. It is 8 feet the entire length of the poole We desire to lengthen it at least 10 feet, and to provide a sloping floor. E a Very sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. a KANSAS Crryvy MARBLE & TILE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Narble, Nosaic, Structural Glass, Cerrazzo and Cile TELEPHONE, VALENTINE 6376 3030 WYOMING STREET KANSAS Crry 8, MISSOURI August 20, 1943 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Department of Physical Education, Attention of Forrest C.Allen Gentlemen: We ae in receipt of your favor of Aug.18th., re:Swimming Pool. We should be glad to make you sketches and esiimates on this work if you will let us know what you have in mind to use. In order to assist you in your selection, we are enclos- ing herewith one plate "Swimming Pool Date" which shows the various gutters which are being used, and one folder"Increas- ing the lure of the swimming pool" which shows cuts of existing pools. If you desire one or another layout, phease mark them with comments and return same, as we have no copies of these plates. You mention the length (60 feet), which is the width and what are the depths of your pool? Yours very truly, KANS CITY MARBLE AND TILE COMPANY By 2 Ly GFK :MVL bel yon ce KANSAS Criry MARBLE & TILE COMPANY \ MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN NMarble, Mosaic, Structural Glass, Cerrazzo and Cile 3030 WYOMING STREET KANSAS CiTry, MISSOURI aad TELEPHONE, VALENTINE 6378 August 30, 1943 Forrest C.Allen Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas THIS QUOTATION SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE Bear Mr.Allens: In reply to your favor of Aug.23rd., re:Swimming Pool, we have made a suggestive drawing of a pool 20 feet by 70 feet, and are sending you a print of same enclosed herewith. Of course, there are a lot of things which may not be correct, as we had very little information to go on, but it will give you something to work on and correct or change. We do not show much of the concrete work, as this is not in our line and would have to be done by a concrete contractor, but when you definitely know what you wand, we should be glad to show this work in a more detailed way. | The matter of drains would have to be shown to suit your present plumbing, both for the drains in the main floor and in the gutter on top. We have shown Tile Ladders, but you may prefer, or have now, Bronze or Brass ladders which could be used. Outside of the numerals, floor strips and lettering on curb, which color can be selected by you we figured on using a pure white vitreous 3/4" square tile. More color could be used, if you so desire for ornamental strips etc. as shown on some of the cuts sent you, at a nominal extra cost. The water depth is a matter of conditions and choice and could be changed from what we show. As shown, the work work, installed complete would cost approximately %4,200.003 any changes to figure accordingly. Yours very truly, nee MARBLE AND TILE COMPANY GFK: MVL py keeles “fee PROPOSAL FORM GENERAL CONDITIONS (Adopted by the National Association of Marble Dealers, November 12, 1915, Revised June 18, 1930) 1.—Loss of time due to strikes, lockouts, or any cause beyond the control of the marble contractor shall be added to the time of completion of the work covered by this contract. 2.—The money consideration named in this contract for the performance of marble ‘work, shall not be subject to any allowance or deduction for specific or pro-rated charges on account of general cleaning, plaster patching, office or telephone service, lights heat, water, insurance on materials in or at the building (whether set in place or not), use of general gangways and hoisting facilities, nor for materials, power and workmen required for operation and maintenance of the general gangways and hoisting facilities, nor for watchman services or the erection of temporary structures. 3.—The marble contractor shall not be required to cut any marble or other material unless such work is specified definitely by the plans and specifications; if his work has to be cut on account of inaccuracies in the building or in the plans, it shall be paid for as extra work. 4.—Any difference whatsoever arising between the parties to this contract with respect thereto are subject to arbitration in the manner prescribed by Article 40 of the General Conditions of the Standard Documents of the American Institute of Architects.—Fourth Edition. 5.—If a surety bond is required in connection with the marble work, the amount of the premium shall be paid in addition to the amount claimed herein for the marble work. 6.—The making of current-partial payments promptly when due is of the essence of this contract, and shall be a condition precedent to the under- takings of the marble contractor; and delays in making such payments, among other things, shall also operate to’ extend the time of completion by the number of days involved in the delay, and shall also in other respects be treated as a default of the same character as failure of the marble contractor to complete the work in accordance with the provisions of the contract. The monthly payments on contracts in course of execution shall be made within fifteen days after the submission of estimates for payment, and shall be based on 90 percent of the value of the work set in place up to the date of the submission of the same, plus 85 percent of the set value of all material delivered at the building, whether installed or not. Where the marble contractor through no fault of his own is delayed in shipping his material, he shall receive monthly payments based. upon 85 percent of all material finished’ and ready to ship, whether the building is ready or not, plus the cost of freight, cartaze and storage, if any. Final payment in full shall be made within thirty days from the completion of the marble “work, regardless of the final settlement for the building as a whole, or for any other work. 7.—Where the specifications call for marbles which are recognized in the trade as requiring patching, sticking, filling, liners, ete., the custom of the trade in such matters shall be accepted as binding on both Parties. 8.—If the marble work is to be done in cold weather, the BDACE where marble is to be set must be heated to at least 50 F. 9.—Right is expressly reserved to suspend this proposal until we are satisfied as to the financial responsibility of the buyer, and no acceptance shall constitute a contract until we are so satisfied and until a bond securing payments is given. Right is expressly reserved to withdraw this proposal in event we are not satisfied with the financial responsibility of the buyer. If, in the course of performance of the work covered by this proposal, there shall arise a reasonable doubt of the buyer’s financial responsibility, right is expressly reserved to stop operations, decline shipments or stop any material in transit, without liability, until the buyer shall have paid for the material or satisfied the seller of his finaneial responsibility. 10.—This proposal if accepted by purchaser must be approved by an authorized officer of the Kansas City Marble & Tile Co. before binding seller; and Kansas City, Missouri, shall be held the place of delivery of this instrument. 11.—This proposal is subject to acceptance within ten days from its date and. is invalid tHieréafter, unless specifically stated. 12.—The above clauses, 1 to 11, inclusive, shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions in this contract. Septenber 1, 1943. American Playground Device Co., Andsrson, Indiana. Dear Sirs: We heve under consideration the remodeling of our swimming pool here in Robinson Gymmasium at the Univer~ sity of Kansas. Do you have eny information sveilable regarding the installation of subterranean lights for a pool? If not, I womler if you could suggest where we might obtain such informmtione : WA3% sen white Minky quite Seer octie tno Aiding board with adjustable rubber-covered fulerum? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 18, 1543. Ur. A. We Livingston, E. Ww. Bacharach & Coe, 800 Rialto Building, : | Kansas City, Moe ¢ Dear Mr. Livingston: We are now writing to several firms in Kansas City asking for an estimate on the cost of rebuilding our swimming pool, making it standard length of 60 feet, with a sloping floor, Se ee seum gutters. Wo would also appreciate your suggestions on the sanitation of a modern pool. If you ave coming to Lawrence in the next few days I will be glad to talk with you about it. i hope to have some definite figures to present to the Chancel lor. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH : Varsity Basketball coach. August 18, 1943. Kensas City Marble and Tile Co., S080 Wyoming Strest, Kansas City, Mo. Gentlemen : We are desirous of getting an estimate of the cost of rebuilding our swimming pool, making it regulation length of & feet, with a sloping floor, replacing the tile, and adding soum gutters. I would appreciate a quotation from your firm at your early convenience. Inasmuch as we are training Navy V-12 and Army A-12 students at the University I believe we could provide the necessary priorities. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. KANSAS Ciry MARBLE & TILE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Narble, Nosaic, Structural Glass, Cerrazzo and Cile 3030 WYOMING STREET KANSAS CriTry, MISSOURI TELEPHONE, VALENTINE 6378 June 2, 1943 University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas Attention of F.C.Allen Gentlemen: We have your letter of May 28th., regarding broken tile inyour swimming pool. Replacing the broken tile would not necessarily correct the leakages. In all probability faulty construction in back of the tile is causing the seepage. However, if you wish a price on replacing the tile we will be glad to quote you on same, but would not guarantee this would stop the seepage. ¥ours very truly, KANSAS CITY ee penne re MVL:L E.W. BACHARACH A CO. FILTER PLANT EQUIPMENT GRAVITY AND PRESSURE FILTERS é oy . dg) WATER SOFTENING PLANTS : CHEMICAL TREATING PLANTS SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT RIALTO BLDG - KANSAS CITY: MISSOURI May 1h, 193 Dr. F. G. Alien Director of Physical Education Varsity Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: As per your request, we give you the following names and addresses of manufacturers of tile: Kansas City Tile & Mantel Company, 1008 Oak Street, Kansas City, Mo. Slater Tile & Marble Company, 251) Summit St., Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City Marble & Tile Co., 3030 Wyoming, Kansas City, Missouri We wrote you in a separate letter today, stating our recommenda- tions for revamping the swimming pool equipment, and trust that they meet with your approval, especially our comments regarding the pool. The price for furnishing 100 strainers and 100 bushings would be $1.00 F.0.B. Lawrence, and for furnishing the filter sand and gravel the price would be $63.00 F.0.B. Lawrence, You will note in our letter of recommendation that we named a price of $87.00. This, of course, is furnishing a complete job and the price named for the strainers, bushings, sand and gravel would be deducted from the $87.00. ,a7 Very truly yours, err JO E. W. BACHARACH & COMPANY AWL:EP PY ; Mey 15, 1943. Mr. A. W. Livingeton, B. ©. Bacharach & Coe, Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Livingston: Thank .you very moh for your two letters of . May 14th giving your recommendations for rehabilitating our filter system end recirculating system, end also the names of firms making tile. ; I have sent through our University Business. Office the requisition fur bushings and straindrs, and sand end grevel, and am asking the Budget Committee, te approve the larger iten. | Iam leaving Sunday night for St. Louis for the Rotery Convention, and as soon as I return I will take this up again with the Budget Committee. You will hear from me very soon after my return. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. E.W. BACHARACH A CO. CHEMICAL TREATING PLANTS FILTER PLANT EQUIPMENT GRAVITY AND PRESSURE FILTERS 7 : 2 oo WATER SOFTENING PLANTS SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT RIALTO BLDG - KANSAS CITY: MISSOURI May 1h, 193 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basket Ball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: On May 13th the writter made a final inspection of the swimming pool filter and recirculating system which is located in the gymnasium building, Incidentally, we discovered that the pool is of obselete design and, of course, it is very difficult to obtain the desired results, inasmuch as the pool has no scum gutters and, furthermore, a depth of water of approximately 8t is maintained over the entire area, Modern pools, as you no doubt know, have a shallow end of approximately 3! to ' of water, and slope down to a depth of be- tween 8' and 9! of water. This is to enable beginners to use the shallow end and, of course, the experienced swimmers the deep end. There is nothing that can be done to improve the pool as the cost would be prohibitive. However, the final results that are now being obtained under the present set-up should be appreciated and, no doubt, such — results are due to careful operation, Now, in regard to rehabilitating the present filter and recirculating system, we recommend the following: 1. A jie ‘Lestebinitne pump and motor should be install- ed as the present unit has too small a capacity. In other words, according to our figures, with your pre- sent pump the contents of the pool are turned over once every 18-1/2 hours and by furnishing a larger pump and motor the contents of the pool would be turned over every 12-1/2 hours. However, according to the best practice, the pool should be turned over once every 8 hours, but this cannot be done, owing to the size of your present filter itself. It is not advisable to furnish a larger filter at this time as it would be impractical to do so, because of the space available and also the question of re- moving the present filter and installing a new one, Page #2 - Dr. F. C. Allen 5/1/43 as there are no openings in the building of suffi- cient size to do the work. : et 2, A hair and lint catcher should be installed in the suction line to the pump in order to prevent hair and lint and other foreign matter from passing through the pump and on to the filter. 4. New strainers also filter and gravel should be placed in the filter as the present strainers and sand and gravel are in very bad shape, In addition, before plac- ing in the new strainers and sand and gravel, the inside of the filter should be brushed down by means of a wire brush or other suitable means for removing as much of the scale as possible. Also, the agitator on the pres- ent filter should be removed, at least that portion in- side the filter. the filters. We believe that if the above recommendations are followed, good results would be obrained and the equipment would operate at high efficiency. In the event we would be successful in securing the order ._ for doing the above mentioned work, we would for, the lump sum price of Eight Hundred and Forty Seven Dollars (487.00), furnish and install all of the equipment and put the filter and recirculating system in first-class operating condition. Should you desire to go ahead with the work at this time, we could start possibly within two weeks time as one of our men would be available then, It would be necessary that we have a priority in order to purchase some of the equipment, especially the new recirculat- ing pump and motor, Furthermore, in order to get the job done quickly, it would be necessary that you obtain, at least, an AA-3 priority as even with a rating higher than this it would require from 1h to 16 weeks to get shipment on the pump, Very truly yours, E. W. BACHARACH & COMPANY AWL:EP 1 - 60 gallon per minute centrifugal pump, motor and starter. Total head 15 feet. Cast iron case, bronze impeller. 2 Horsepower, 1725 R.P.M. standard motor. Pump inlet 2", pump discharge 1-1/2".. Standard magnetic starter. Price pump, motor & starter $255.00. 1 - 3" McAlear #528 suction & pressure hair & lint catcher, Standard flanged cast iron body. 125# working pressure. Strainer constructed of bronze, special plated inside. Price $55.00.