Mey 15, 1943. Mr. A. W. Livingeton, B. ©. Bacharach & Coe, Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Livingston: Thank .you very moh for your two letters of . May 14th giving your recommendations for rehabilitating our filter system end recirculating system, end also the names of firms making tile. ; I have sent through our University Business. Office the requisition fur bushings and straindrs, and sand end grevel, and am asking the Budget Committee, te approve the larger iten. | Iam leaving Sunday night for St. Louis for the Rotery Convention, and as soon as I return I will take this up again with the Budget Committee. You will hear from me very soon after my return. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.