12, "THE PROMOTION OF A SWIMMING POOL" By C. M, Roos Manager, Peoria Water Company The subject assigned, "The Promotion of a Swimming Pool", includes one ~ord, "promotion", which should be clarified or defined a bit before vroceeding “ith this discussion, as the “ord can convey various meanings, some according to Yebster and some applied or immlied. Iy this instance the ~ord is intended to meen “organizing and financing a swimming pool vroject or undertaking." The odiousness which sometimes is attached to this word as applied to the promoter of préjects of questionable soundness or value, need not apply to the promotion of a swimming pool, as a project of this character, proverly and intelligently set up, pays dividends of immeasurable value which can not be expressed in terms of dollars end cents. However, ~hen intelligently planned end organized a swimming pool in the average comminity need not lack in financial success, Soundness, financially, economically, socially, in health and recreation dividends, is not only possible but should end can be varemount in any plen for e community svrimming pool. The first step in promoting e new swimming pool in a community which has not had one, or a new or improved pool where the old one is inadequate, inefficient or obsolete, is to create a community swimming nool consciousness. This means education, often involving tact, ability, patience and perseverance in this first process. However, usually the lack of success in this vreliminary step is due to lack of sufficient interest on the part of someone ho could do the job well. The best way to do a job is to do it. Thre is no substitute for intelligent effort, in building a swimming pool or a wood shed, This job of educating the public is an important one, presenting many opportunities to have the people of the community understand in the beginning what a good modern swimming pool means, and understand the difference betveen a pool of highest sanitary standards end one which may be simply a hole with water in it, or a nearbv creek or river. “hen the public understands the value of a modern clean sanitary pool, and the reasons “hy bathing places which ere below these standards are extremely dengerous, the promoters have gone far tovard the ultimate goal and are ready for the next step. The second st-p overlans somewhat the first one in that it is helpful to have at least part of the information provided by the second part of the under- taking to secure best results in the first. This second division of procedure is to have prepared, by one well qualified, a proper design for the pool and all equipment to fit the community. The subject of pool design will be presented by enother speaker on the program, but reference should be made to it here to em- phasize the importance of having prover plans and specifications if the promoters are to succeed in any stage of their work, and to assure sutcess of the project after the pool is in operation. Design and success, financially and otherwise, are inseparable. In the past before modern swimming pool standards were estab- lished, too many pools vere constructed bv those whose good intentions, conscience and honesty are above question, but ~hose work and efforts produced results which show unmistakable evidence of "zeal without knowledge", This statement should not be interpreted as unfair criticism, as swimming pool standards as ve now have them, thanks to the State Department of Public Health, do not date back many years in any state. VYowever, it is this situation ~hich makes the job of reselling the public on rebuilding or improving svimming pools so difficult for the State Health Department, local health euthoritics, and local organizations which are trying to help communities bv providing safe, sanitary, clean pools.