July 24, 1942. Standard Pool Cleaner Company, 1204 Shadyside Avenue 5. W., Canton, Ohio. Gentlemen: Will you kindly send us your catalog end prices on swimming pool cleaners and pumps? We are anticipating an extra heavy load in use our swimming pool during the coming year, due to the mechanics being stationed at the University, and are to have ow pool cleaning equipment in good son- °, La dition. Our vacuum cleaner is in very bad shape and will need to be replaced. It is possible that the motor in the pump we now have could be used if the other parts could be replaced. Do you have a traveling representative who would be in this section of the country this sumer? If so, it would be well for him to lock over our pooi cleaning — and give us en estimate on the cost of replacing i Sincerely yours, Diresctor of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.