Report of Mr. Harris, representative of Wallace & Tiernan Company, of Kansas City, concerning the chlorinator - July 28, 1942. "On inspection of the chlorinator of this date r found it to be in satisfactory operating condition with no essential parts needed. The #" chlorine tubing ordered in March has been in- stalled and eliminated the discharge trouble. This tubing should | last at least three or four years, "The control compensator is in good condition, after some ¢ leaning this morning, and by keeping the heating light burning during the time of operation this should operate indefinitely with no troubles | @ The equipment should be operated using 60 Ibs, full water pressure, 3 rather then the 25 lb. pressure used previously, __ | “I am delivering today one box of assorted MSP gaskets for this ; equipment, which are good to have on hand. Mr. Eberhart, the | plumber, understands the operation of the oquiyment vory well and I have instructed him in the points that are indicators for Wwerble in the equipment's operation. "Although unable to weigh the cylinder, I would estimate that it is approximately half full (75 lbs. of chlorine). In view of the fact that the pool is to be taxed to a heavier extent in the coming year, I would recommend that Form PD 190 be filed immediately with the chlorine company in order to obtain shipment by the time the gas is needed. Tt mas boon the experience in past casos that this takes between 45 and 90 days for shipment."