EVERSON FILTER SERVICE COMPANY “The Swimming Pool People” 214 West Huron Street, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POOL DESIGN ENC e Cea de ode I eae No. |DP WATER _—No. 1952 SINGLE - Liab WATER OPERATED ~~ 2 ,PISTON OPERATED FLOAT VALVE PRESSURE GAUGES CONTROL VALVE MANHOLE AIR ao coolen A OLTAL TS c TO ADJUSTABLE ee iets ae ele eae SUPPLY 73 ea Ona VACUUM CLEANER —o.ever UNE ee eee ee Seine ew a ae No.3 DP ne) el Le a TEAM aac ny aT Ry eer te 07 an ayy, uta 1-1 (cu TN a Path roma ae ae ea i ee Sirens a STERELATOR TANK CATCHER | MOTOR’ FEEDER onl ie ett ae Typical Layout of Everson Filtering and Sterilizing System for Indoor Pool PRODUCTS—Complete Swimming Pool Equipment. EXPERIENCE—Over 30 years of specialization in manufac- Sterilizing, Filtering and Re-Circulating. turing and developing Swimming Pool Equipment. Standard Everson apparatus for these services (whether complete sys- Pool Installation practice today represents many exclusive tems, units, or parts) are designed to meet every Federal, State features innovated by Everson. Hundreds of complete Ever- or Municipal Health regulation requirement. son installations attest to architectural and engineering accept- Functional Units—Everson design is a standard for inlet ance. and outlet fittings, built-in or portable cleaning apparatus, under- SERVICE—The Everson Fitter Service Company will furnish water lighting, and observation windows. ‘ ; i : : : Accessories—A full line of appointments: Foot Baths, Lad- architects and engineers, with detail drawings, bulletins and tech- ders, Diving Boards, Stands and Fixtures. nical aid upon request. ESSENTIAL FACTORS IN POOL DESIGN A table of requirements contingent with modern architectural and engineering practice conforming to various regulated health standards Rectangular shapes are best for indoor pools. For out- ee Ree an: * re-ci i door pools, rectangular, circular, U, or T shapes, or Se a eee ee ont ee oF ee conditions. There is a PIPING to cade operation of suction cleaners with water dis- SHAPES endency in public pools to have one pool for wading, SYSTEM | charge to sewer; draining of the pool, overflow of drain- another for depths not to exceed 4 to 5 ft., and still age; regulation of flow through pool inlets. (See Everson another entirely of deep water for swimming and diving. igcotnie Flow inlet -Fiine No. -890) Combination pools, where one end is deep and the other ; . i s end shallow, are very acceptable. The filtering equipment should be of sufficient capacity Swimming Pools built for competition should conform to provide a turnover of the pool capacity once every DIMEN to Olympic requirements. The width should always be in to 6 hours, based on a filtration rate of 3 g.p.m. per sd. SIONS. | multiples of 5 ft. The length should be a minimum of 60 ft. of filter area for pressure filters and 2 g.p.m. for ft. (General practice requires 15-ft. multiples for length.) FILTRA- | gravity filters. Four or more filter units are recommended TION as the back wash rate of filters should be equal to 12 to A water supply direct connection to swimming pools is 15 g.p.m. per sq. ft. of filter area. By this arrangement prohibited. Install Everson’s balance tank (No. 1515). the re-circulating pump can be used to provide water to Install overflow drain (No. 893 or No. 900) around wash one filter at a time. WATER entire pool on 10-ft. centers. Install inlet fittings (No. 890 SUPPLY or No, 891) on 20-ft. centers. Install one or more main Chlorine in one’form or another is recommended for the drain fittings (No. 894) at lowest point in pool, not over most effective results and simplicity in making water tests. 10 ft. from sidewalls. We recommend a trench covered STERILI- | For Indoor Pools, the Everson Sarety Erectric STERELA- with a trench grating (No. 904). Send for Typical Pool ZATION | ToR eliminates the necessity of separate vaults, fans, or Installation Drawing No. 792. wee as Mches are usually required when pressure chlorine gas STERELATORS are used. aE eee lg depth ae be a minimum of 3 ft. 6 in. e deep end, measuring 15 ft. from the end wall, must RECIRCU- ; ; DEPTHS have a 10 to 12-ft. depth to accommodate diving from LATING unm tied ae eee aways be topetee, Delew ie 3 meter or 10 ft. high board. PUMPS eae ee ae Twelve persons are the maximum number permitted in UNDER- ; the water area within 10-ft. radius of each diving board. WATER irc oie ee fags seniaeeas es ck The average space requirement for an adult swimmer is LIGHTS lights $ ; . - sq. ft.; and, pwnage for oes of swimmers on E shore, an average o sq. ft. should be provided for For Ind BATHIN » a : C or Indoor Pools, the cleaner should be operated by con- LOAD G = swimmer who may be present at time of maximum SUCTION | nection to the re-circulating pump. For outdoor pools, it ee Sige ha Pipes ds oes Sake gee on CLEANER | is recommended that a portable, self-priming pump be . . e i i i with ats swimming nes Gee gered a ch AE lee furnished for exclusive use of the suction pool cleaner. outdoor pools, the average allowance per bather for those | - i i : net Gwtiimine cioald be icq. fe p eas teen one-meter and three-meter stands or : Wading area shall be separate from swimming pool. In Ind Pool i 1 WADING | Water supply to come from filtration system, but not re- LADDERS deal 5 ae toe Sad pe On Oouie bo POOLS ay Pool shall be entirely emptied and Soe about 60 ft. apart. Removable type ladders SELECTION TABLE FOR RE-CIRCULATING EQUIPMENT Pool hs a Pilkecs Bcd pi Fiat catcher ae ee Space ie ee 50,000* “4 484in. diameter V E6 uae ; ; 75,000* 3- 60-in. diameter V E-6 aE 238 ates oe 100,000 4— 72-in. diameter V 1915-1 6 in. 340 35x 15 ft.x 8 ft. 6 in. 150,000 4 84in. diameter V 1915-1 8 in, 460 40x 15 ft.x 8 ft. 6 in, 200,000 4— 90-in. diameter V 1915-1 8 in, 530 40x15 ft.x 8 ft. 6in. 300,000 - 4-114-in. diameter V 1915-1 10 in, 810 45x17 ft.x10ft. 400,000 4-8x 14 ft. H 1915-1 10 in. 1025 45 x 20 ft. x 10 ft. 500,000 4-8 x 16 ft. H 1915-1 12 in. 1400 SOx 204t; x10 ft Note: The above equipment is based on a 6-hr. turnover, thereby meeting the most recent and exacting S i ; i f : ; ; : : g State Health Department regulations. For other sizes of equipment, which would provide for an 8, 10, or 12-hr. turnover, specifications and detailed information Madly furnished on request. Bulletin No. 626