REPORT OF WATER ANALYSIS—CITY OF... er POU eee a Laboratory No. 421606 Source Bast End Nest End Collected by. Kissell ee ee eee 4—16=-42 Date received 4-16-42 Analysis completed____.. 4-13-42 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION * Bacteria per cc. on Agot, at 37-24 Gs. Presumptive Tests for Coli-Aerogenes Group ~ Results of Fermentation Tests: in 5 10 cc. tubes 5= in 3. 1 cc. tubes 3= in 3.1 cc. tubes | o= in 3.01 cc. tubes a> - Wren eee Confirmatory Tests for Coli-Aerogenes Group oO 71 wa oi i CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Results in parts per million. Color. es Odor. oe Turbidity under 1 under 1 5 day B.O. D. Nitrogen as Nitrites Nitrogen as Nitrates Solids, total fy Special Speci Boca ee un re ee MINERAL ANALYSIS HCO, (Bicarbonate) hes CO, (Carbonate) OH (Hydroxide) Cl (Chlorides) Fe (Iron) Special zg 38 34. * Gas in the fermentation tubes and confirmatory test indicate the presence of bacterial organisms of the Coli-Aerogenes group. These organisms inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, hence their presence in water shows sewage contamination or pollution from surface drainage. Plus sign, gas present. Minus sign, gas absent. One part per million is equivalent to 1 pound of substance per million pounds of water. One gallon weighs 8.33 pounds. 17.1 parts per million=1 grain per gallon.