Lawrence REPORT OF WATER ANALYSIS—CITY OF i eee Ne ee Bee Dates 425168 ‘ uIP ee ee Swim. Pool eS ee ee ee Dr. Morehouse Pee ot cect. 10-9-42 Reppert 10-9=42 Avalysis completed... 10-11-42 BACTERIAL EXAMINATION* Bacteria per ml. on 350 Ager, 66 30 28 Bee P-Presumptive tests for Coliform group P © P C P Cc P Cc C-Confirmatory tests for Coliform group Results of Fermentation Tests: Be a o= Oe = ae Wi a re OOt eat portions... 2... sgh CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Results in parts per million. ; ee 5 tro, (eer orate) es! 34 CA eee ee. Rt ee Cl (Chlorides) .......... 6 104 We APO) «woe. ss. ee ee eee ee ee Srecial nn. EE *Gas in the fermentation tubes and confirmatory test indicate the presence of bacterial organisms of the Coliform group. These organ- isms inhabit the intestinal tract of warm-blooded animals, hence their presence in water shows sewage contamination or pollution from surface drainage. For presumptive test: plus sign, gas present; minus sign, gas absent. One part per million is equivalent to 1 pound of substance per million pounds of water. One gallon weighs 8.33 pounds. 17.1 parts per million—1 grain per gallon.