Page two Mareh 20, 1945 My trip out here has not been availing of as much benefit as I had hoped, I will tell you about Yates when T see you, He is rather guneshy, and when Pralle spoke to him regarding an education he said he did not want to talk to anyone until after the tournament, I saw him play last night, and he is highly nervous and did not show up to great advantage. I think he knew, perhaps, that I was watching him and this acded to his nervousness, However, I do think that he has a lot of natural ability, His fundamentals are not of the best, but I think works better into the Iba System then in this system played ‘by Bum Browning, the coach from Oklahoma, The Phillips Team dribbles a lot--too mich in fact. They always bring the ball down from the back court by dribbling. A pass here and there would help immensely, There is no pivoting by the team, and with ell I was greatly disappointed in the type of ball played by these fellows. It is not finished by any manner and means, They get a group of individual stars, but the coaching is Poor se However, I think that on the whole the trip was profitable because I met Bob Southerland of the Pratt-Whitney, Clint wanagea, Sr» had written me abovt him, Southerland's father works at the Je Me Jenkins Music Company at Kansas City, and Clint desired that I step by and have luncheon with him and meet the father, Then, there is another boy, Lowther, who played on Andy MeDonalc's team at Springfield Teachers* College. He has had one year. lie is small but very fast, Personally, I have too many small men, We meed a few larger ones, but this Lowther couldn't do any herm te anyoxe even though he is small, Southerland is 6* 2" but eligible for the draft so that will do us no good for this next year, : I have written rather a lengthy commmnication, but having had the eppertunity of a very able secretary, I have taken aivantage of it. Hoping to see you and Jean and to meet your physician friend and his wife, I am Affectionately yours,