24, Physical Education a. Fe C, Alles 2 Professor 800 bd. Henry Shenk 2. - Asst. Prof. (7/3) 560 , Recreation (1/8) 80 an ¢, RB. BR, Strait 2 Instructorr (3/4) 360 Recreation (1/4) 120 480 d. 2. RB. Blbel 2 Assoc. Prof. (1/) Beg. July l, 150 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of the Chancellor May 23, 1946 To Chairmen of Departments: The budget of your department for the 1946 summer session as approved by the Board of Regents is attached, As in the vast the pay for full time service will be 20 per eent of the nine months salary, with a maximum of $800, Full time ser- vice is interpreted to mean a teaching load of eight credit hours. Any request for deviation from this formula should be submitted promptly to Dean BE. B. Stouffer, chairman of the budget comnittee. Please report to me any changes in personnel from the budget as it appears. Since notices to individual instructors are to be mailed on June 3, a prompt report from you will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, RAYMOND NICHOLS Executive Secretary RN: gs No. $5 39 65 176 100 200 201 500 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Summer Session Department of Physical Education Course Football Elementary School Playground Activities Basketball | Advanced Football Teste on‘ Measurements Principles of Community Recreation Theory and Practice of Athletic Training Advanced Basketball Special Problems , Cred. 2 3 Time 9:50 10: 30 MIWIF and 2230 M 1:30 MTATF 1230 MIWTF 8330 MTWIP and 3330 M 11230 MTWIF and 7300 M 9330 MIWTF and 1:30 T 10:50 MTWTF and 2330 Tt Appt. Reon 203 203 203 202 202 202 202 107 Blidge Instructor Shenk Strait Allen Shenk Elbel Strait Allen Allen Shenk Wo. Course Cred. Time $12 Seminar 3 Appt. Recreation Supervision Recreation Supervision for Women / Wok | f foe if (pit yf § / | Room ERT 107 Bldg. R Instructor Elbel Shenk, Strait THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE SUMMER SESSION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR October 21, 1946 Enclosed is the statistical report of the 1946 Summer Session. In general our enrollments reflect the trends which developed on the campuses of many institutions which are comparable to the University of Kansas. ; On 15 and 16 November I will attend the annual meeting of the Association of Deans and Directors of Swiamer Sessions, at Hadison, Wisconsin, It is the policy of this group to discuss problems which are presented by member schools. If you have questions conceming any phases of our Summer Session program which you feel the Association should discuss, or on which you wish comparative data, will you be good enough to jot them down in note form and send then to my office on or before 13 November. My office has already received inquiries concerning the 1947 Summer Session. The problems of prediction of the numbers of students and their interests in various areas are as difficult and as varied as those which faced us in the planning of last year's Session. It is my hope that I will be able to bring back from the meeting at liadison some estinates which may serve as guides for the planning of this year's program. The Swmer Session Budget Conferences will start toward the end of November. In anticipation of the conferences, it is hoped that all department heads will attempt to set a tentative pattern in areas where there is a possibility for the need of instructors from outside the present regular staff group. There seems to be little doubt but that most of the outstanding men in college and university work will be spoken for early in the year, and that prompt contact must be made to obtain the type of visiting professors we would like to have on our campus. Sincerely yours, ae George B. Smith Dean GBS:MAS VUNLVNGG@ett t OF Baas AaS SULRIER SESSION REPORT EIGHT WEEXS 24 June to 17 August FOUR WEEKS 19 August to 14 September 1946 REGISTRATION BY SCHOOLS SUMMER SESSION 1946 Fight Week Session 24 June to 17 August 1946 School : Men Women Total Civ, Vet { Navy Total| Civ.j Vet. Total] Civj Vet. Navy} Total School of Business 19 | 190 L200} 29} 2] 22) 361 102 230 College 18 F 8] 16 | 863, }243 | 18 | 261 | 4321 676 | 16] 1124 School of Education | 4 29 A ee 7) 67 School of Engineering ml 5661 3} 6431 1 2175) S66 1 3) Ge School of Fine Arts ne: 62} 861 5st 91] 95{ 58 “153 | The Graduate School 73.5199 272 1118 31-12). 11918 202 anak School of Law (12 weeks) a) 67 1 1 941 59 68 (list G6 only, 4: S72 1 1 5 4 9 (246 only)} 4 : s h | 4 Total 1663 Sc anand gis) 33 81 School of Medicine* 2 | 32 oo. dk Ls et 50 School. of Pharmacy ; 5 | 55 1 eo at 3) oh 63 Summer Session Special 3 L, , 1.420 -+ 1 ee $—- 37 ___ Total 126 bene | iglezs. 4538 2 | x0 95h 1879 _| 1912852, Duplicates + zi_12 id ees. 3o 21 Net Total 109 1837 19 {2265 [536 | 30 | 566 945 [1867 192831 Special Four Week Session 19 August to 14 September 1946 Business College Engineering (Veterans) Total 21 10 8 (35) 39 (Of total: 38 were men; 1 woman veteran.) (Four week session totals are included in Eight Week Session totals.) * School of Medicine, Kansas City, registrations are not included in above table. SUMMARY OF ENROLLMENT Summer Session 1946 - OO & ct n oa p24 Ge. ie ae as 2 Ss 2. 2:4 2 4 oS Oo cc @O ‘do o-d Oo wt wo Roa aa No, Course Cr. Instructor s 8 na oo & & a oS ANATOMY 50 Human Anatomy 5 Latimer 3 3 6 161 Upper Extremity 2 Latimer 3 3* 6 162 Lower Extremity 2 Latimer i 1 Re 163 Abdomen & Thorax3 Latimer 3 3 ‘161 Upper ere rou Sy ) 163 Abdomen &Thorax}8 Roofe 1 A 64 Head & Neck * 168 Develop-Anatomy 1 Roofe 1 4 14 19 zey Histology and - Splanchology 5 Roofe 4 14 18 290 Adv, Anatomy 1 Latimer 2 2X 4 290 Adv, Anatomy 2-6 Roofe = 2 305 Research in . Anatomy 5 Latimer 2 1 306 Seminar No Enrollment ASTRONOMY 12 Descriptive Astronomy 3 Storer a. ae 3 14 BACTERIOLOGY 100 Man & Microbic World 3 Tenenberg =. 3 15 150M Pathogenic | i | Bacteriology 5 Sherwood eo 2 7 10, 21 157 Immunology 5 Tenenberg 4 iz 2 18 261 Special Problems No Enrollment : 300 Research Thesis No Enrollment BIOLOGY 1 Gen, Biology 3 Woodruff ; & Fe 4 Ps 2 88 : & McNair * school * School School Summer of Medicine. of Medicine = 6 of Pharmacy = 3 Session Special - 1 £ School of Pharmacy ® School of Medicine - 1 Summer Session Special - 1 - OO — 2 3 oe 6 > Oo & n - rl w 3 149] w et BM Cc pp QD og ov & ° ss i) oO oS. {eS ct aod ct S © a oO 4 ort © ‘i & e . = wow 2 6 es Ss a re) No. Course Oe. teetwuetee GCS aa Gl Uk A a ee CS BOTANY 2 Botany I 3 Horr 6 - 61 Trees & Shrubs 3. Mayberry Le 8 a. 12 150 Systematic Botany 3 Horr - 2 167 Laboratory Dem, in Botany 2 a 170 Botanical Problems Wo Enroliment CHEMISTRY : General Chemistry 5 Stratton 7 f- ? a Inorganic Chen, 5 Davidson 25 Ao 50 3 Inorg.Chem.& Qual.5 Sisler 3 24 is’ 47 360 *48 Quan, Analysis 3 Hume 1 18 4- 23 “AQ Quan, Analysis 5 Hume 3 9 fe iz 161 Org. Chemistry I 5 VanderWerf e 7 ee 18 163 Org. ChemistryII 8-5 Stratton 1 ts 5 - 4a i 73 Physical Chem. I 0-5 Taft 2 2 4 : ee Le Physical Chem, II 5 Taft 2 2 2. 8 301B Chem, Energetics 3 Davidson 6 6 312 Seminar 1-2 Brewster, Sisler 8 8 & VanderWerf 380 Research-Analyt, 5-6 Hime 2 381 Research- Organ, 2-5 Brewster. 6 &. VanderWerf 582 Research-Inorg. & Physical Chen, o Tart z 1 DESIGN 13 Design I 1-3 Jacobson 3 4 9 14 Design II 1-6 Jacobson ce 10 33 Design III 2 Jacobson 2 2 54 Design IV No Enrollment 163 Design V 3 Jacobson 1 1 164 Yesign VI l1 Jacobson - a 193 Nesign VII 2 Jacobson A a 194 Design VIII 2 Jacobson 1 1 301 Design 2 Jacobson i a F genool of Pharmacy ° School of Pharmacy - 5 Summer Session Special - 1 Q0 c S n ord oe o o & & n Per v s cc) © cd 4 Oo 2 3 ° a. @ 3 y o o ci = oot ~P rc CG oO el @ a oO ort o 2 2a £2 ee SS Nos Course Oe. Wettctee SB GC SB GS R 8 ao 42 es DRAWING AND PAINTING 1 Freehand Draw, I 2-3 Mattern 1 6 6 7 3 23 2 Freehand Draw.II 2-3 ‘Mattern 10 13 235 7 Composition I 2 Mattern i S 6 8 Composition II 2 Mattern 8 8 33 Still Life I 2 Mattern 4 4 34 Stills iate it 2 Mattern 1 1 35 Composition III 1-2 Wattern 3 3 36 Composition IV 1 Mattern > - HAND CRAFTS 2 Gem, Handcrafts I 1 Whitney i 1 3 5 24 Gen, Handcrafts 2 Whitney 1 1 22 Gen Handcrafts IIT 2 Whitney z a 3} eT Bookbinding I 2 Whitney 1 i 1 3 51 Wetal & Jewelry I 2 Whitney a 1 oe Gen, Handcrafts V No Enrollment 82 Gen, Handcrafts VII No Enrollment 303A Gen,Handcrafts VII 4 Whitney 1 1 504A Gen. Handcrafts V 2 Whitney 1 1 CERAMICS 29 Ceramics I l-2 Carey 1 4 3 1 6 30 Ceramics II a fw Carey 2 2 59 Ceramics 3 1-2 Carey . i 1 2 6? §=Segleture fis No Enrollment 68 Squlpture IV No Enrollment 305 Ceramics 1-3 Carey 3 5 306 Ceranics 2-3 Carey 2 2 ECONOMICS - Intro. Economics 5 Dade 29 i. 3 : 30 1 Introe Economics 5 Gagliardo eo + 26 1E Intro. Economics 3 Hoar 1 33 a 35 1B intro, Economics 3 Hoar 1 & 24 26 4 Economic History 3 Robertson 25 438 42 4 Economic History 3 Robertson 20 5 25 5 Price & Distrib. 3 Howey 4 7 Tae t+ 20 9 Accounting I 3 Pinet 7 a 3S 1 pe) School of Pharmacy - 1 Summer Session Special - 2 ¥ school of Pharmacy bo qj S iss] oct ® oO so @ & m aoe ort Q a Le] = ci h ee) eh Be SS 8 2 4 £a & & se s 6: 8 26 ££ 8 Se Se 4 Se No. Course Or. instruetee 3 & 2 6 FE AB EG 4 sé ECONOMICS (continued ) 9 Accounting I 5 Small 24 1 : 1 £6 9 Accounting I 5 Small 1 ee a O42 2 36 9 Accounting I 3 Mitchell 1 19 oS @& 4 30 10 Accounting II 3 Farmer 7 2 fF 16 10 Accounting ITI 3 Farmer 4 9 2c 6h 28 10 Accounting II 3 Farmer 18 a 35 10 Accounting ITI 3 Small a7 3a. 30 25 Cost Accounting 3 Blocker 4 4 24. 1 1 34 26 Cost Accounting 3 Blocker 6 9 i5 30 Valuation Acctg. 3 Nelson ? 20 eT 80 Marketing o Seelye : 7 1A 80 Marketing 3 Seelye 1 5 ao 6Uk 27 85 Senior Seminar in Business 2 Stockton s 1 87 Business Commun, 2 Newcomb 19 19 87 Susiness Commun, 2 Newcomb Ag 26 28 90 Princ. of Econ, 5 Ise oS s&s he 4 § 24 itd Adv. Accounting 3 Nelson 3 12 10: Lia Gov, & Inst. Acc, 2 Bowers 10 10 ii? Tax Accounting 3 Shannon 1 8 i 16 118 Adve Cost Acctg, x Bilecker 2 7 9 125 Statistics I 5 Howey 2 9 a. 33 126 Statistics II 3 Dade 5 40 45 130 Corp. Finance 3 Waters 3 = 21 26 145 Public Utilities 2 Austin ° As 16 150 - Money & Banking 3 Pritchard 2 9 12 161 Public Finance 3 Ise 3 3 17 23 170 Labor Economics 3 Gagliardo 7 3 6 16 its Personnel Manage, 3 Stockton 9 14 ao... 6 o7 186 Credit Management 2 Hoar 5 14 19 187 Sales Promotion 2 Seelye 4 3 26 33 194 Business Law [I 3 Austin 4 cS 28 19.5 Law of Business Organization 2 Austin 10 10 265 C.P,A, Problems 3 Shannon, Bowers 3 3 6 300 Thesis 1-3 Waters 5 3 304 Develop. of Eoon, Thought to 1870 5 Howey 2 2 3135 Seminar 1-3 Nelson 3 3 414 Seminar in Business Org. & Finance 5 Waters 1 0 a SS ca 4 ro) os a o@ i a ae © - &0 ® co 4 rt 2. 2. = .— “@ 2 «oe 22 Soe Se. US. Se US Ue . 2 fs SS a 2. 2 8 No. Course Or, Tncirpetee 4 2 8 6 gk A Me Ft CU EDUCATION Fundamentals Group P50 Ed. Psychology 5S Kinzer 3 ee 3 15 A50 Intro. to Sehool Administration 2 Twente 4 oS 7 2 i , ae H64 Survey Amer, Ed. 2 Chandler 3 46 ..7.-6 2 26 S52 Bduc, Sociology 2 Russell 3 5. €. 8 1 20 Specialized Courses P35 Essentials of Reading 3 Russell sa 5 7 A158 Visual Ed. in Ble, & Sec. Schools 2 Montgomery ne o 4 +e 30 M165 Techniques of Teaching. 3 Bayles 8 3 A 1 13 A205 Radio in duc. 2 Weiser 9 3 iz 244 Prin, & Techniqmes of Guidance 2 Turney Ze 2 24 245 Voc, Education 2 Kennedy LZ i 13 246 Occup. Inform. & Guidance 3 Kennedy is 1 13 349 Case Studies-Diag, & Interviewing 3 Turney e Z Admin: stration and Supervision of Schools 201 Admin, Po. .& Pract, as Pmployec. in School Sy:tems 3 Twente 12 12 203 Proc,& Prog, Efrfect- ive in imp. of In struction 3 Hobson ad 1 i 12s 2£17=- Special Fields of 317 Study in Admin, & Supv,of Schools 1-6 Twente 13 ia 319 Thesis 1-7 Twente 4 4 Curriculum 7 22) Sec,Schoo. Curr, 3 Hobson 6 1 7 Lae round, & Princ, of Curr. Devrelopment2 Hobson o 4 a 28 2357 Special Ficlds of 37 Study in Curric.1-6 Russell 2 2 239 Thesis in Curric.4 Russell 1 1 &0 s st m2 oa) — o €¢ & n » 1 oO 2 a oO el Ba oe «' & ees € a oS fa dad PY et oO o rx QO ert or Oo we a ee @eseset ee = No. Course Cr, InstructorS & & 8 £ &@& & 2 @& EDUCATION (continued) : _ Educational Psycholo and Guidance 240 Learning Process 0 for a6 US 1 3 36 241 Nontypical Child 5 Nash ea 3 25 243 Clin.Prob, in Educ,2 Kinzer . 7 | 7 P268 Psych, of Reading 2 Kinzer 14 7 14 257= Special Field of : 557 Study in Educ,.Psych, & Guidance 1 Kinzer 1 1 257= 357 Special Fields of Study in Educ.Psych, & Guidance 1+3 Nash 5 a 6 359 Thesis-Ed.Psyéh, “1-2 Nash 2 oe P190 Diag, & Treatment of Minor Speech Defeets3 Stevens 5 5 Teaching Theory and Educational Philosophy _ 260 Mod ,Teaching — Procedures $$ Bayles Re i 23 27% 377 Special Fields of Study in Tchge,Theory & Educ, Philosomy No Enrollment oT Special Fields of . Study in Tchg, Theory & Educ, Philosophy 2 Ellsworth 1 1 379 Thesis in Teaching Theory & Educ, Philosophy l-3 Bayles 4. 4 379 Thesis in Teaching Theory & Educ, Philosophy 2-3 Ellsworth 3 | 3 Evaluation 282 Statistical Meth, 2 Althaus 3 3 Methods Courses M1 Methods of Teaching in Elem,School 3 Russell 4 4 8 16 10 Elem.Art Methods 3 Elisworth 2 1 8 L ie M54 Jr.H,S,Art Methods 2 BElisworth 1 1 2 4 M55 Sr.H,S,Art Methodg 2 Eldlsworth 1 1 M292 School Journalism & Publications 2 Beth 5 3 Qo < S n a ® o Se OQ h mn Sa © S €62 2 . 2 adcea1#-., « CT Oo ei OO wrt oO od oS = . 23 we a wy ff. s. No, Course O,.tTastmuctems £ B&B & EAB & 2 ie ENGINEERING Aeronautical Engineering AE45 Primary Ground School 2 Simpson 1 2 FF 11 AB47? Private Flight . Course 1 Simpson - - = 2s 12 AE9O Aircraft Struct.I 3 Simpson 4 4 AF101 Aerodynamics II 5 Lyford 2 3 AB102 Aerodynamics Labi 2 Lyford os Applied Mechanics AM Statics 2 Hanson 24 24 AW Statics £ Brown 2 £0 27 AV Statics 2 Ockerblad 16 16 AM50 Dynamics 3 Brown 10 10 AM50 Dynamics 3 Brown i Ze 29 AMS1 Strength of Materials No Enrollment AM52 Test.of Materials 1 Hanson 8 8 AM52 Test.of Materials 1 Ockerblad 7 7 AM55 Hydraulics No Enrollment Architecture Arch, 3, 4, Gl, oe; 00, 4 | Arch, Design 2-4 1 18 19 Arch,59 Building Construction I 3 ie is Chemical Engineering Ch. E Intro, to Chem, 40 Engineering 1 Berg 5 5 Ch. E. 41 Stoichiometry e Milier 6 6 Ch Bw, Pranc, Of Chem, Ene, 1S. | Gee, ie 3 Maloney 13 13 ChE, Chem, Eng. Oper. 159 Bad, IT Miller 14 14 ChE. Chemical Eng, ea BHesign II 2 Berg 5 5 ChE, Prin. Chem, Eng. 221 & Thermo, II 3 Berg 5 5 ChE. Chem, Engrs Process 229 Lab. II l Berg 4 4 Civil Ingineering CEll Elem,Surv.lecture 3 McNown 2 19 21 CE56 Summer Field Work 34 Haines ‘11 ii CE61 Theory of Simple Structures 4 Bradshaw 8 8 0 S S mn ord © oO oo 8 & n 5 oc oO S na ® ra ay 4 ad oOo ® 3 oO i ee ac“ * -#« S © ct @ aA ed oO Ta w : 5 wo z 2 & GR 60 o cS »P No. Course Cr, Instructor 49 & & 8 &# 428 & 2&4 ENGINEERING (continued) CE91 Special Problems 1 ‘icNown 1 1 CE166 Walls and Dams 3 McNown a 1 CE184 Eng, Prope Soils 2 Haines 2 2 CE267 Stat.Indet,Struct3 Bradshaw 3 3 CH360 Adv.Structures 6 Bradshaw 1 1 Electrical Engineering B.E,11 Direct Current Circuits 4 Carey 10 10 E,2.31 Electrical Lab, 1$ Cottom 7 7 E.R, 71. Direct Currents s . -Carey 6 6 BE. o Alternat, Currents 3 Cottom 6 7 Est, 91 Piectrical Lab. 1 Carey 5 5 B.E.92 Blectrical Labe 1 *obb § 5 Engineering Drawing E,Dr.l Lettering & Free- hand Drawing 2 Russell 5 43 48 E.Dr.2 Machine Drawing 2 Palmerlee 7 7 BE, Dr.d Descriptive Geom, 3 Palmerlee 34 34 Shop Practice S.P,1 Shop Pract.Hlem, 1 Logsdon 54 54 S,P,1 Shop Pract.Elem, 1 Rust 54 | 54 S,;P,2 Pattern Making 1 tLefferé 3 3 S:P,3 Foundry Practice 1 Bailey 3 3 3.P,.7 Elements of Machine Tool Operation 1 Rust 22 22 §.P.8 Advanced Machine Tool Operation No a ts ers oes Engineering M.&.5 “Mechanical Lab.l & Stockton 7 7 “M,E,<4 Heat Machinery 2 Stockton 12 12 M,E.40 Mechanisms — 3 Hay 9 9 MoE.51 “Mechanical Iab,II 2 Treat 12 La ,H.123 Engineering Thermodynamics I 3 Gray M.7,130 Air Conditioning 3 Treat 1 M.H.136 Internal Combus- tion Engines M.H142 Machine Design No Enrollment Blements I 5 Tait M.B.150 Mechanical Lab III No Enrollment M, B60 Special Studies 2 Gray oO . s M = o oO > 9 & a YP wt »Y oa 8 eg & 2 @ 2 gay & Ss wo @ aq aeex ~ ci me Oo «A oO wr wt O wo Peagae tees s Noe Course Cr, Instructor yp & g Sf & & Se 2 « ENGINEERING (contined ) Mining and Metallurgy MMEL89 Gen, Metallurgy <2 No Enrollment WMELIO Metal .of Iron j & Steel 3 Kinney 1 & 5 MMEIOL Metal lurgy of Non« ferrous Metals 3 Kinney 1 1 6 8 MMRIO5 Metallography 3 Kinney 2 2 ENGLISH 1 Comp. and Lit, 5 Laicd 22 : § 26 1 Comp. and Lit. 3 Roberts 1 23 ir * 1 Comp, and Lit. $ Smith 1 2 25 1 Compe and Lit. 3 Alexander 49 i= oe 1 Comp. and Lit. o 0’ Brien “19 19 1 Osmps, Ond Lit, 5 Teener a 3 12 ” Comp. and Lit, 3 Roberts a 21 2 Comp. and Lite 3 Virtue } 2 4% -- oe 2 Geers and Lit. 3 Bauman 1 16 3° 20 2 Comp, end Lit. 3 Paden 20 Gr 25 2 Comp, Gnd Lit. 3 Calderwood a0 14 a Comp.» and Lit, 2 Barnes ou OO 295 3 Comps and Lit, es beawrd oe 2 15 3 Comp. @nc Lit, - O' Sri 15 15 1E English Comp. > O'Brien RZ ne 1B English Comp. 3 Teener a7 ye 27 a English Comp. 2 Calderwood 24 1 29 2 English Comp. = Smith <6 26 10 English Lit,: | Epic and Drama 2 Alexander 15 ee 27 10 Engiien Lits? ae Epic and Drama 2. Virtue 426 «66 at lia Pieiier ibbet. Essay and Lyric 3 Barnés a @ 9 14 Histsof fne, Lits 2 Barnes i 7 4 z a4 16 Children's Lit. 2 Calderwood 5 14 19 59 Advanced Comps o Virtue 20 20 96 Directed Weading 1 Hyder 2 @ 96 MiregGted Reading 1 Laird ) i 1 157 Essay Writing 2 Laird 3 8 A 174 Paglisn Lit. of 18th Century 3 Paden 9 6 2 15 178 Shakespeare (Int. 2 Hankins 43% it 16 179 Chaucer & His Age 3 Hyder 4 2 6 184 English Poetry of 20th Century 2 Nelson R34 8 19 *echool of Pharmacy oO > -s 3 o oO o @ & m ~~ “el YD 2 2 ®Y rt fi oS & eo « °¢ 3s oS oO oo “cl 4 eo 3 oO ca Lab] ‘A ort Oo ord wa . &£ - 5 =» & =e s oc +» No. Course Cr, Instructor 5 5 8 8&8 # a& & 2 & ENGLISH (continued ) 186 History of English Drama 3 Hankins 8 6 14 303 Comparative Lit,: Ancient 3 Hankins 7 7 324 Invest. & Conf, 2-5 Hyder 3 5 324 Invest. & Conf, 2-5 Paden 5 5 325 Thesis 1-3 Hyder 5 5 ENTOMOLOGY 2 Biology of InsectsI3 Doering 3 3 163 TLeld Etomology. 3-6 Doering 7 § 12 264 Special Problems 2=+5 Doering 4 1 5 300 Original Invest. 3-6 Doering 3 3 GEOGRAPHY | 3 Prin,of Geography 3 Kollmorgen 1 3 26 2 2 35 56 Geog.of N.America 3 Kollmorgen 1 a & 8 GEOLOGY 1 General Geology 5 Thompson 1 5 5 +2 49 Int,.Field Geology 5-6 Frye 7 7 155 Adv.Field Geology 5-6 Frye 2 17 7 26 156 Special Field Prob.8 Frye 1 1 GERMAN 1 Elementary German 5 Holley 3 24 2 1 30 2 German Reading and Grammar 5 Anderson 24 1 i 26 3e Scientific German 3 Anderson 1 4 5 HISTORY 7 American People 5 Anderson 1 39 42 25 Recent World Histoyy3 Melvin 23 1 26 177 History of the Trans- Miss.West after1850.2 Malin @ 4 Lz 184 Later America II 3 Anderson 9 9 18 190 Napoleon 2 iflelvin 9 6 a 2? 191 Problems of Modern Europe 1-3 “Melvin 8 5 7 306 Thesis-Amer.Hist. 4 Malin 2 335 Readings-Amer.Hist. No Enroliment 20 . 2 4 Z i Oo be 2 3 ci fi 6 a oO <= oo 3 Oo -_ 2: ‘fc a + eo © i oO ot ot oO int w = w & ¢ - nw os # No, Course Ge, Instrwotew® F 6 & & ke & 2--< HOME ECONOMICS 8 Clothing &Textiles 3 Lohr 3 1 4 83 Child DevelopmentI 2 Evans 9 9 84 Child DevelopmentII3 Evans 3 3 140 Experimental Studies in Foods 2 Heid 4 _ 4 151A Nutrition and Dietetics I 3 Hail 4 4 155 Consumer Problems & the Market z. Lenr 1 1 1 3 ive Recent Developments in Field of Textiles3 Lohr 1 1 181 Marriage & Family Relations 3 Foster 1 12 1 16 302 Problems of Pre- School Child 3 Evans, Foster 2 2 JOURNALISM lL . Reporting I 3 Sabine ss 8 44 Kditing I 2 Sabine 2 a. 10 64 News Photography 2 Cole 7 7 162 Magazine Writing 3 Beth 1 9 me 180 Ble.of Advertising 3 Beth “. 8 3 13 193 Hist.Amer.Journal 3 Cole 3 ia 14 M292 Sch.Journ,& Pub. =~ Beta 3 5 LATIN 2 Caesar 5. i200 13 13 100 Latin for High School : Tescherp 5 Lowrance 2 2 10k Latin Poetry 3 Lowrance 2 2 102 Roman Private Life 2 Lowrance 2 3 5 LAW First Six Weeks Insurance 5S taupe ee 38 Procedure I 3 Moreau 36 3 39 Security 3 Moreau 36 36 Contracts 3 Davis 42 42 Second Six Weeks Code Pleading 3 Moreau 60 2 62 Ju@icial Remedies 3 Davis 26 26 Labor Law 5 Moreau 36 3 39 Real Property I . — Ss n ‘4 e ¢ os ££ & n Sd of oO 3 Mm Q a P e #¢« o oO ss wo Q s Gc “ » ed oe o o wt ws oO 4 o 2 Fite 2). 8. F £58 © No. Course Cr. Instfuctor § 8 88.8 8 8 & 2 a MATHEMATICS Plane Geometry 0 Bailey 8 @' 2 16 Plane Geometry 0 Book 13 $37 7 i Elementary & Inter- ee mediate Aigebra 2 Burton 14 7 .. 22 2 Intermed,Algebra 2 Burton a7 eS 28 s Intermed,Algebra 2 Hadley 1 15 12 + 28 R Intermed Algebra 2 Hiatt 13 S-44 8° 29 2 Intermed.Algebra 2 Horak 22 s a7 30 2a College Algebra 35 Rasmussen 10 328 i kOe 2a College Algebra 3 Robertson 10 , 38 4" 27 2a College Algebra 3 Ward 9 214 3a* 25 2a College Algebra 3 Wolf 15 aes 2. = 2a College Algebra 3 Dougherty 1 11 ’ 24 2a College Algebra 3 Book 3 19 2F 24 2a College Algebra 3 Dougherty 4 15 14 20 2a College Algebra 3 Hadley 6 a9 «af 25 3 Plane Trig. 2 Ulmer 6 i a6 “ 23 3 Plsne Trig. 2 Bailey id a2 2” 25 $3 Plene Trig, 2 Dougherty 3 i¢ 3* 21 & Piene Trig, 2 Hedley 4 3. i* 28 3 Plane Trig. 2 Horak 2 25 2* 29 4 Analytic Geometry 5 Rasmussen 2 i 26 29 4 Analytic Geometry 5 Robertson 5 i 25 29 4 Analytic Geometry 5 Wheeler 2 ae 24 4 Analytic Geometry 5 Wolf 5 25 28 5 Calculus: I 5 Babcock S 2 18 25 5 Calculus I 5 Black S 20 25 5 Calculus I 1-5 Jordan 4 19 20 ’ COgieulus If 3 Wheeler 1 16 i? 7 Calculus ITI 3 Babcock 1 18 19 7 Calculus II 5 Black 2 16 18 10 Theory of Investment No Enrollment ¥ oo CHl11 Elem.Surveying 5 “cNown a: i9 21 15 Solid Geometry 2 Bailey 2 25 27 i2s Elem, Statistics 3 Howey 2 9 20 2 33 151 Differential Equations 5S Smith 4 & 1i 19 158 Adv. Algebra 5 Ulmer 6 2 1 159 Project. Algebra 3 Bell 2 3 ive Partial Differential Equations - Smith 1 303 Seminar No Enrollment 307 Higher Algebra 2 Bell 6 330 Thesis 8 Bell 3 330 Thesis 1 Ulmer 1 #School of Pharmacy a0 ct S cer) ‘A 92 oO o « & n aed cc QO & Q @ ra a Cc +» om o Wo © ° 3 3 D S S cA od et » 2G 8 49 3 Fs No. Course Cr, Instructor & & 8 ge a § & 3 F a a Ras a ee MISLIC Theory and History i Sight Sing, and Ear Training I 1 Baxter 1 1 5 7 2 Sight Sing. and Ear Training I 1 Stuhl a S bs) Harmony I 2 Cass a 8 i+ 30 5a Harmony I 1 Cass 6 1 7 6 Harmony II 2 Cass 1 9 10 6a Keyboard Harmonyll 1 Cass - 7 9 Za Sight Singing and Ear Training III i Cass 7 7 22 Sight Singing and , par Training IV 1 Cass 5 1 6 25 Harmony III 2 Cass 7 ? 25a Keyboard Harmony III 1 Cass 6 6 26 Harmony IV No Enrollment Music Camp Theory Cass 103 26a Keyboard Harmony IV. No Enrollment 29-30 String Ensemble . L if 1 Cass a 2 3 59-69 String Ensemble 1-2 Stuhl 4 4 69 Appreci ation of Music 2 Geltch 1 te e 4 8 72 History of Music 3 Orcutt ee = a 3. 52 Counterpoint II <2 Browne 1 4 5 165 Choral Repertoire & Adv.Conducting 2 Swarthout 14 7 ; = 187 Instrumentation I 2 Anderson i7 a7 a InstrumentationII 2 Anderson L7 17 387- 388 Adv. Instrument,: | No Enrol iment Applied Music 7 , Organ O-3 Anderson 1 La 1 13 Piano 2-3 Swarthout 5 5 Piano 0-2 A, Stuhl 2 1 16 2 gil 23 Piano O-2 Rogers 3 9 mi se Piano 1-3 Orcutt 1 8 2 3 €° 2 Piano QO-2 Brown 3 9 4 1 17 Piano 0-2 Coulson 4 9 1 110% 25 Cello O-2 Stuhl e 83 8 S 3 Cello O-2 Ehrilic — 2 1 ; 8 Violdn 1 Geltch % 4 5 3,10" 23 Voice 0-2 J.iilkins 4 4 1 3% 3i 19 M e # , 1 ¢ = se Soa oes isa Scitech SEE2GE"SReial - 2 oe re QO & a n o D $2634 8 2-53 3 3 oO a. = ot saad rt = ££ « © 2 4 € = §& e222 5s ©.% £-8-% No, Course Cr, Instructor § # § 8 & A A DO a 8 WISI (continued ) Voice 2-3 Moncrieff 3 411 : |. Voice 0-2 ‘Toore . 4 & 4 1 3 6! 25 Voice 0-2 Peabody 2 s 4 1 710M ay Trumpet 1-2 Horacek 2 = & 10 Trumpet 2-3 Gaston 2 2 Harp No Enrol iment M Brass Instru, O-2 Carney a i. «4 1 Oi 12 Band O-1 Wiley 2 7 48 2 rr 150 Orchestra O-l Wiley 2 3 10 2 6 85 Chorus 0-4 Swarthout 215 28 S$ 2 4 787 15) MUSIC ENUCATION 19 Oreh, Inst, (Strings) S Stuhi :. 3 5 16 Orch, & Band Inst.(W.W. ) 2 Carney $ 5 1 9 36 Oreh. & Band . Inst. (B&P) 2 Carney . g 8 a2 95BP Adv.Orch, Inst, No Enrollment 95S 467, O07ren. inst. (Strings) No Enrollment 169 Band & Orch,.Methods & Administration 2 Wiley 8 8 a 30 Influence of Music on Behavior No Enrollment 313 Org.of Sch.Music 3 Gaston 15 15 314 Civic Music 3 Nickerson 6 6 323 Seminar 2 Nickerson aa 14 390 Thesis 1-3 Nickerson & Gaston ia 12 390 Thesis QO Swarthout 1 a PHILOSOPHY 181 Aesthetics 3 Osborne 14 1 iF i 17 184 Ethics of Gov't 2 Osborne a 4 5 PHYSICAL HBDUCATION 35 Football 2 Shenk a Ss @ 9 *39 Elem,School Play- Ground Act, ao Strait 19: hf : 4 16 ~— . F* schous of Pharmacy n if J Music Camp Students a ifusic Camp Students - 66 Faculty - 2 Independent(from city) -10 oO c s n 4 @ oO - mn 4 m 2 | oO ml n 2 od Be GG. ao ®o i} oO 3 @.9 . Ss « . 2 -« co Oo rt @ tod © ‘A @ e = 4 s > 2 32: < No. Course Cr, Instructor § & § 5 & AA - 2 PHYSICAL EDUCATION (continued ) 65 Basketball 3 Allen 5 3 8 82 Adv. Football 2 Shenk 10 2 ae 100 Principles of Commun- ity Recreation > Streit Se 2 3 176 Test and Meas. in Phys, Education 3 Hibel . 6 5 200 Theory & Practice '. of Ath Training 3 Allen 13 1 14 201 Adv, Basketball 2 Allen 2 6 8 300 Special Problems in Bhy.Education 2 Shenk | 6 6 O12 Seminar in Phys. Education 3 Blbel 7 ; 7 PHYSICS 5 Gen,Physics I O-5 Porterfield 2 13 at i ge 6 Gen,Physics II 5 Stranathan 1 18 16 35 70 Special Problems . in Physics 5 Stranathan a 1 165 Atomic Physics 3 Stranathan 5 4 8 1, 36 1 54 Vacyiim Tube °° Electronics 4 Stranathan 4 A 9) 156a Electrical Meas, 2 Wiseman a 2 4 7 300 Grad,Prob.Physics No Enrollment 503 Blectrodynamics . 3 Stranathan 4 4 307 Thesis 1-3 4 4 PHYSIOLOGY 2 Physiology I * No Enrollment t 50 Human Physiology 3 Woodard 2 2 1 a 6 162 Aévanced Topics in Physiology 2 Stoland 1 * 1 170 Physiology 5 Stoland 3 28. 51 271 Physiology 5 Woodard 2 10 12 300 Research in Phys. 5 Stoland 2 : 2 501 Seminar 2 Woodard | 1 1 f- * §chool of Pharmacy * School of Medicine Q0 GS s mn ed @ c ao mn H 0 S288 e334 3 3 @& @ c¢ ¢ ? pp « oS oO re @ ‘dod Oo @ - &@ 2 2 6 Ss > € 2 #2 ae 6&6 &£ &@ 8 ws 2.¢ No. Course - Dee 6 OS ste POLITICAL SCIENCE z Principles of Gov- ernment 3 Sandelius 65 $s s 2 61 10 American Gov't 3 Chubb 1 Ze a: a 26 10 American Gov't No Enrol tment 90 Honors Reading No Enrollment 98 Senior Seminar 3-5 Stene 6 6 98 Senior Seminar 3-5 Sandeltus 2 e 98 Senior Seminar 3-5 Chubd 3 3 98 Senior Seminar 3 Maddox 1 1 111 Problems of State Governement 53 Maddox 8 8 153 Amer, Politics 2 Gibson S 26 4 o5 154 Conparative Gov't 3 Sandelius 4 16 20 159 History of Political Theories 2 Sandelius 4 4 8 164 International Relations o Chios — 14 304 Grad, Seminar 2-5 Sandelius, Chubb 3 3 306 Thesis 2-6 Sandelius 2 2 PSYCHOLOGY i Gen, Psychology 5 Wheeler o> oO 3 36 la Gen, Psychology 3 Wheeler 27 ss ee 35 1b Gen, Psycho logy 2 Coleman Ss 228 1 24 154 Abnormal Psych, 3 Coleman 7 je 1 i Al or Employment Psych. 3 Coleman 7, 2 26 a eo 159 Psych,of Learning 3. Wheeler > 2 a8 a 26 165 Psychological Clinic I 2 Brown 1 L 166 Psychological Clinic If No Enrollment 168 Adv.Psych.Readings)2-3iheeler $ 3 369 } ¢ n “ct oO o ae) m 7 » apd o & mn o co ha Cc v 20 eo ® ws Oo 4 2 @ ¢ Ba 2 a oO oOo a o ‘dood O «re oe = Ss ee .. 3 . No, Course Cr, Instructor % S a - oo aA a ee es SPRECH L Fundamentals of x Speech 2 Buehler 5 2 Fundamentals of Speech 2 Veter 1 Fundamentals of Speech 2 Feist 1 Fundamentals of Speech 2 Feist 1 fundamentals of Speech £ Buehler 18 26 12 Extempore Speaking @ Seenier 9 10 180 Speaking Voice 5 Stevens 7 10 P190 Diag.& Treatment of Speech Defects 3 Stevens ZOOLOGY a Animal Biology 3 Larson 3 Comparative Anatomy 5 Taylor 52 Birds 5 Lowery 73 Zoological Prob. 2 Leonard, Larson, 7 & Hoffmeister 155 Vertebrate Embryology 5 Leonard 185 Natural History Museum Techniques --. No Enrollment 305 Grad, Conference 1-4 Hall, Leonard 325 Grad, Research 1-5 Halli, Leonard, & Hoffmeister 7 School of Pharmacy - 6 Summer Session Special - ] F school of Pharmacy Recreate While You Study — f9L6 Summer Session Al full recreation program has been planned for K.U. students during the Summer Session. The facilities and resources of the University are at your disposal to help make your next few weeks enjoyable, as well as profitable. In ad- dition to regularly scheduled activities, special events will occur from time to time. Watch for announcements. Dances: Lynn Craig and his Skyliners, a twelve-piece dance band, will play for mid-week dances on the lower floor of Robin- son Gymnasium. Dances will be held from 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday nights beginning June 26 and each Wednesday night until final week, with the exception of July 3. Admission will be by Fee Receipt Card. The indoor pool in Robinson Gymnasium will be open to K.U. students for recreational swimming according to the schedule listed below. Please note that swimming for wo- men will not begin until July 1. Women.........7% 1:00-3:00 p:im. TTS 3:00-6:00 p.m. MWEF WOR 5 on ks 1:00-3:00 p.m. MWEF 3:00-6:00 p.m. TTS Men & Women ...... 7:00-9:00 p.m. MTWTF Admission will be by Fee Receipt Card. Playground: — You will enjoy the playground at Fowler Grove which will be open evenings until 10:00 p.m. Here the families and children of students and faculty may find a cool spot in which to visit and meet their friends. Playground ap- paratus for the youngsters, shuffleboard, volleyball, aerial tennis, horseshoes, croquet and other games, will be avail- able. From time to time community sings, outdoor movies, stunts, etc., will be on the program. The Fine Arts School is planning a series of concerts on Sunday and Tuesday evenings. Watch for announcements. Jntramurals: A summer intramural program is planned for both men and women. Any student who would like to participate actively this summer should get in touch with the intra- mural office to secure entry blanks and other information. Silver baseballs will be awarded to the winning teams of the softball tournament and medals to winners in individual events. Softball games will be played at 4:30 p.m. Plans call for at least two softball leagues, one composed of or- ganized houses, the other from departments or schools of the University. Activities for men include: Softball Tennis Horseshoes Golf Intramurals for women: Badminton Tennis Softball (if desired) Get your entries in at once! Deadline for entries is June 28. An all-school mixer will be held Wednesday August 7. Watch for announcements. The University’s tennis courts, picnic grounds west of Potter Lake, museums, student union, gymnasium, athletic facilities, intramural fields, and the outdoor ampitheatre between Hoch and Haworth halls are recreation spots you will want to visit. — Hersebach Riding: Any student interested in obtaining horses or instruc- tion in equitation call the K.U. stables, 346. Leclunes: At 7:30 p.m. on Monday evenings, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and August 5, a series of lectures will be given by Dr. Rob- ert G. Foster. |. How Should Youth Prepare for Marriage. Il. The First Year of Marriage—Adjustments After Mar- riage. (The Veteran Returns to His Family) . 111. On Being a Parent in the Atomic Era. IV. The Married Woman at Work and at Home. V. What Can Be Done About the Rising Divorce Rate. — VI. The Family Unit. Watch for further announcements of additional lectures! Remember to get your intramural entries turned in at the physical education office in 107 Robinson Gymnasium. DEADLINE FRIDAY, JUNE 28. May 27, 1946 Mr. Charles Ae Burke, jre Manager City Department Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goods 1509-1le13 Baltimore Avenue | Kansas City 8, Missouri Dear Sir: s It is possible that you are not familiar with the set up here at the university. Our Athletic Department is known as the Physical Education Corporation. Then we have ‘a Physical Education Department, Ordinarily, supplies bought through the_ Physical Education Corporation are purchased through Mr. Falkenstein of the Athletic Department and supplies for the Physical Education Department are purchased through state purchase requests, since state funds are used in these purchases. However, the supplies we wish in this order are for use during the Summer Session, for which we do not need a state purchase request. Please bill the sup- . plies requested in our order to the Physical Education Department Summer Activities and you will be reimbursed through our business office, The supplies should be shipped through Obers, if that has been your customary procedure in the past. — You wore wight in assuming that these supplies should not be billed to me personally, but I am in charge of our Summer Activities Program at the university and, after July 1, will be head of the Physical Education Department. We want the three dozen 12AL soft balls for use in our summer program and this is not a duplication of the state purchase order. . | We should like the blue enamel on the raised letter "K". If you will send us the exemption certificate on the 2 percent Federal Jewelry Tax when the order is sent, we will fill out the certificate and return it to you. If you can send us the items you have in stock at once and send the jewelry and other items as soon as you can, we would appreciate ite Sincerely, Assistant Professor . HS:VF ‘ of Physical Education, Sows « Coupee DIVISION OF WILSON SPORTING GOODS COMPANY KS A-N-S