) Girls’ :; Lae — Closes The third annual Sunflower Girls’ State closed here Sunday noon with the presentation of certificates of | laward. Earlier in the morning a. ' special church service was conducted | by the Rev. Alpha H. Kenna, depart- ment chaplain of the American Leg-" ion and also chaplain in the army re- ception center at Fort Leavenworth. A formal dance in the Union ball- room Saturday evening climaxed the week’s social activities. Mrs. Patricia Solander, representa- tive of the state highway division, spoke on safety during the Saturday morning session. “Taking A Fore- sight” was the title of an address | made by Robert Hart, department Americanism chairman of the Amer- ican Legion. All Girls Staters were excused on Saturday afternoon to go shopping, Two hundred forty-seven girls from all over Kansas attended this year’s Girls’ State session. Girls were housed in six sorority houses but ate lat the Union. sightseeing or whatever they chose. | their meals at the Union building. All meetings and lectures were held, Students — To Dance Next Week Russ Chambers’ and his band, a dance organization composed mostly ‘!of members of Clyde Bysom’s Hill ‘|band, will play for a dance on the campus some time next week, Dr. F, '|C. “Phog” Allen, director of Sum- mer Session recreation, annqunced today. This will be the first of a series of six ‘dances to be held each week, and the first time that a Hill band will have played for Summer Ses- sion students. Allen set Tuesday as a possible open date for the affair, other nights being taken by Music week activities and the lecture ser- ies. In cool weather the dances will be held in the ballroom of the Memor- ial Union building, and during warmer weather on the street be- tween Fowler shops and the ana- tomy building. The road will be closed, and corn meal spread on the pavement. Sidney Dawson, Negro fine arts student, will do the vocals for Russ Chambers’ band. Dawson is noted for his clasical presentations, and only recently made his debut as a jazz singer with Clyde Bysom’s or- ganization. “The aim of the band is to play the same style as the old Bysom band, with the exception of the brass section, and to add a com- mercial touch with Dawson,” said Russ Chambers. Wayne Ruppenthal will front the organization with his trumpet. Rup- . penthal has been a member of Hill bands for the, past five years, and last semester composed many of selections for the student musical show, “On with the Show.” _ No admission will be charged to the dances, and according to “Phog” Allen, “all Summer Session stu- dents, their wives and sweethearts, are ‘weleome.” . ‘Faculty Wives Entertat Archery To Begin Archery will be added to the rec- reation program some time _ this week, Dr. F. C. Allen, director, an- nounced today. Mrs. Ernie Vanek’ will -have charge of the practice. ee The wives of resident faculty ucation depart- members of the Ed the wives of at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. H. E. Chandler, 2245 d. : ae : “ee first of three parties | to be held during the ed There will be tables for bridge “Red Cross sewing.