Recreation | Hi Lights By ELIAS HOWARD What is archery? What part has it | played in man’s struggle for civiliza- tion? What can it do for me in this machine age? For an answer we challenge you to come out and see for yourself between 7 and 9 o’clock | each evening, Monday through Fri- | day. For centuries man’s means of pro- tection and the destines of nations turned on the flight of the arrow. But as centuries passed and science was perfected, the bow gave way to a more deadly and less sportsmanlike | means of protection—gun powder. | Now an attempt is made to renew | man’s interest and skill in this an-| cient sport. All K.U. students are en- couraged to come out and try their | luck at a lost art, in which their an- cestors were experts. Outstanding Coach Replaces DeGroot Henry Shenk, one of the out-. standing men in physical education n Kansas, comes to the University this fall to replace E. B. DeGroot as assistant professor in the depart- | ment of physical education. DeGroot recently accepted ‘A po- | sition as director of physical edu-— cation in the 4th Air Corps at Sierra ‘Madre, Calif. _ For more than ten years Shenk’s basketball, football, and track teams at Junction City have monopolized their league. He is past president of - the Kansas Health and Physical ‘Education Association, and also of | ‘the Kansas High School Coaches Association. Besides being an outstanding stu- dent, Shenk earned a varsity foot- ball letter here. In 1926, in the an- nual Missouri-Kansas football game, ! he caught a 35-yard pass from Bar- | rett Hamilton, and ran 45 yards for the touchdown that upset a power- ful Tiger eleven, 14 to 7. | He received his B. S. in physical | | education from the University, and | 'last summer completed work for his master’s degree at the University of Wisconsin. Shenk will supervise practice teaching in Oread Training school, and will also supervise their ath- letics. In the department of physical education he will teach history and ‘principles of physical education, track, remedia! physical examin- ations. He will also supervise equi- tation. The newly-appointed staff mem- ber will devote his entire time in the physical education department, and will undertake no coaching du- ee | ties. : | Mr. and Mrs. Shenk and daughe “er will move to Lawrence August fl, and will live at 1235 Kentucky.