PAGE TWO Summer Session Kansan Lawrence, Kansas. Rditer Kenneth Jackson Business Manager .. David Whitney Staff Myrtle Molzen Charles Pearson Eleanor Van Nice Mary Ihloff Eunice Jones Orlando Epp Ruth Spencer Ashcraft Play for Fun- and More. In commenting on the apparent indifference of Summer Session stu- dents to the golf course and tennis courts, Dean R. A. Schwegler, di- rector of the Summer Session, said that aside from the actual physical benefit gained from the exercise in| these games, students may reap other rewards far greater. Dean Schwegler said that every man and woman looking for a job must sell himself to his prospective employer. Every salesman in other lines, whether it be insurance, auto- mobiles, or contracting, must first sell himself to his prospective buyer before that buyer will consider his wares. And in order to sell himself, the dean continued, the salesman must become acquainted with those to whom he wants to sell himself or his company’s products. _ “The best way to know a man is to play with him,” declared the Educa- tion head. “Play his games with him, and you will be amazed how intim- acy will grow.” No one can play games, if he never learns how, and now is the best time to begin. Our golf course is not the best in the world of course, but it is adequate for dubs. Most students are a little better at tennis, and the courts show it. They are in fine con- dition, just waiting to be used. Per- haps it would be a good idea to try out the Dean’s suggestions. Forget about playing for exercise! Every game you learn means that you have gained more knowledge and have added something more to your per- sonality. Some day those games may mean actual cash in your pocket. . The Summer Session offers more facilities for learning new games than do the winter semesters. Play a new game today! 1 '