September 26, 1941. Mr. Ce G. Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds. Dear Mr. Bayles: I have your statement as of August 30th on your Job. No. 246-7 for installing and taking dom lights for the summer recreation program in Fowler Grove. I am sending you a carbon copy of the letter that I have written Mr. Nichols after some previous correspondence in which we asked them to take care of this on their Summer Session budget. Since we have expended the ยง400 budget allowance given us by the - committee they perhaps will not act on this until the Sumer Session Budget Committee meeting which should be seon. You can see by the letter to Mr. Nichols that I am making every effort to liquidate this indebtedness at an early date. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.