c.S. KREMER, PRESIDENT vw HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ‘LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT | | f 4. F WECUEEY Aer) ceca enact July 28, 1945. / 333 LIVE STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. KANSAS CITY STOCK YARDS KANSAS CITY 15, Mo. Dear Phog: I received the June 25th copy of Jayhawk Re- bounds and read it thoroughly and with genuine pleasure. You have wielded a great influence in the development of so many of our fine young men. I contrast this with other sources of influence of the University. I am enclosing for your persual, as I know that you are interested, a pamphlet printed by the Navy Department in which they use the story of Warners Squadron for Industrial incentive distribution. With best persomal regards, Yours truly, . W. Abercrompie --