Street Dance Postponed Because of Cool Weather last night was postponed on account | of cool weather. Dr. Allen said that it would be held next Monday night if the weather is warm enough for comfortable outdoor dancing. If at- tendance warrants it, a dance or some special form of entertainment will be an added attraction every The street dance scheduled for Monday night during aes 7) as session. G = Ks: hs To Dance In Streets On Campus Summer Session students who would like to “Shake a leg” and “do-si-do” will get their chance Monday night, when a street dance sponsored by the summer recreation office will be held on the pavement between the anatomy building and the recreation quadrangle, it was announced today by Dr. F. C. Allen, director of the recreation program, | Cornmeal will be applied to the surface of the road to facilitate danc- ing, which will be composed mainly of folk types, and music will be fur- nished without charge to the danc- ers. The orchestra has not been named as yet, Dr. Allen said. | The event marks the first time the dances have ever been held on the street, last year’s and others having taken place in the rial Union building. Dr. Allen expressed hope Patinn that the new policy con be continued throughout the summer. Dances will] be held every Monday night, if the ‘Plan meets with the approval of stu- ‘dents and faculty members. ! The street will be roped off from Oread avenue to the walk at the rear | of the anatomy building.