TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1940 SPORTS TOPICS By Bill Koester Today marks the formal beginning ‘of the Summer’ Session recreation program, with a meeting for softball players scheduled for this afternoon in Robinson gymnasium, the begin- ning of games, concerts, and other forms of diversion taking place to- night. Dr. F. C. Allen, director of the program which is greatly en- larged over last year’s, expects greater crowds of both participants and spectators to join in beating off the monotony of classes and the summer heat. The Big Six National League, a softball circuit for Summer Session athletes, will get under way after this afternoon’s meeting. Six teams, as many as were formed last year, will make up the league. The team winning the championship will probably play an all-star aggrega- tion at the season’s end. Last year the winning Wildcat team defeated the all-stars 9-8 in a fast, exciting game. : Chuck Taylor’s failure to pick a (Continued on page four) Sports Topics--- (Continued from page two) single Jayhawker on his “All-Amer- ica” basketball teams was indeed an oversight which has soured many Mid-Westerners on Mr. Taylor. It is excusable only because we realize that Mr. Taylor isn’t the authority that the press associations are. Self- endorsing sporting v-setaonishrdlu endorsed sporting equipment and “Black Magic” basketball methods made to order for the natural-born flash of an athlete are his claims to fame. He picked only one of Indi- ana’s national champion Hoosiers on his team, which further indicates that he apparently gets his informa- tion from Life and other picture- publicity magazines. Of Mr. Tay- lor’s selections, Dr. F. C. “Phog” Allen—who doesn’t buy the former’s sporting goods—says, “With about 18,000,000 persons playing basketball in the world it must be difficult for Chuck to pick an all-America and still find time to sell his sports equipment.” But the inside story be- hind Mr. Taylor’s omission of Kan- sas men on his teams is so good it’s tragic that it can’t be printed at this time—because it makes Mr. Taylor look so very, very small. Milton Kelley, head trainer at the University of Texas, and former Jayhawker assistant, dropped in re- | cently for a_ short. visit.. Which brings to mind that the University is. getting a reputation for turning out excellent trainers. Roland Logan, of Army; Jimmy Cox, Harvard ace; Elwyn Dees, now at Nebraska; and Dean Nesmith, the Jayhawkers’ muscle doctor, are all products of this university, and all are big-time trainers.