THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE SUMMER SESSION 202. Administration of Physical Education. Three hours credit. Embodies a study in the administration of the school and college physical education; the principles and administra-~ tion of intramural athletics; the administration of health examinations and the care and value of health examination records; the purchase and care of physical education and ath- letic equipment; common methods of financing the athletic program; the construction of the gymnasium, swimming pool and athletic field. Required of all majors. Prerequisite, twenty hours of physical education. 312. Seminar in Physical Education. Three hours credit. An intensive study of the various aspects of physical education. The selection of topics will be flexible and will provide for the study of problems of administration, equipment, curriculum, and teaching procedure in physical education. An early reply, indicating your preference with reference to courses number 200 and 201, will be apprecicted. Very sincerely yours, ss es - ; Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical/Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball foach ee or e See REED