CONFERENCE PROGRAMS THE New York University Center for Safety Education will provide the services of five members of its staff for one- or two-day conferences in colleges or universities located in various sections of the country which are concerned with the training of teachers, supervisors, principals, and administrators in the general field of education. The members of the staff who will serve as conference leaders are experienced instructors at the Center. The nature of the conferences held in each institution will depend largely upon the individual college or university. Usually there is an opportunity to devote a general assembly to the subject of safety education. Conferences may also be held as part of the regular classes in such subjects as the following: PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY TEACHING METHODS CURRICULUM SUBJECTS ADMINISTRATION AND SUPERVISION EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLOGY CURRICULUM CONSTRUCTION VISUAL: AIDS Informal conferences may be arranged with groups of teachers or students. SUGGESTED: CONFERENCE SUBJECTS FOR ASSEMBLIES Opportunities for Teaching Accident Prevention in the School Educating for Safety FOR CLASSES AND GROUP CONFERENCES The Underlying Philosophy of Safety Education What is meant by safety education? Upon what bases should a program of safety education be built? Accident Reporting What is an accident? What should be included in an accident report? What is the Student Accident Report- ing System? What is the value of accident reporting f The Place of Safety Education in the Curriculum How important is safety education f Should safety be integrated with other subjects or should separate periods be devoted to it? Safety as an Integrated Subject With what subjects may safety be integrated? How? What is the value of such integration ? A Safety Education Program How may it be organized? What phases of safety should be included? Who should be responsible? Methods of Teaching Safety What are the most effective methods of teaching safety today? Materials for Teaching Safety What materials are available? Where may they be obtained? The Use of Visual Aids in a Safety Education Program Homemade slides. Sound motion pictures. Lantern slides. Film strips. The work of the New York Umwversity Center for Safety Education 1s made possible by a grant from the National Conservation Bureau, accident- prevention division of the Association of Casualty and Surety Executives.