NEW YORK UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF GENERAL EDUCATION CENTER FOR SAFETY EDUCATION 20 WASHINGTON SQUARE NORTH NEW YORK COPY FOR PY 18 p0RBAEION OF Dr. Raymond A. Schmegler Director, Summer Session University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ‘Dear Dr. Schmeglers We are planning to make available to Kansas the services of one of the members of the staff of the Center for Safety Education during the week of July 15. Mr. Howard G, Danford, one of the best informed leaders in the field of safety education and an able speaker, will be in your state during this one week, We can make arrangements for Mr. Danford to be in Lawrence on July 15, if you would like to have Him at that time. The enclosed brochure gives some idea of the types of sub- jects on which he could speak at various classes, There is no cost involved in these lectures except that we like to have our representatives taken care of so far as expenses are concerned while they are on the campus. If you would like to have Mr. Danford at Lawrence, will you kindly let us know as soon as possible. Yours very truly, Herbert J, Stack, Director Center for Safety Education