Oras ATHLETIC Coioment MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING | EQUIPMENT ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER ST. LOUIS, (10) Mo. NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 November 27, 1943 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We have your inquiry of November 24 concern- ing your purchase order voucher No.729 for the three Wrestling Mat Covers, We regret that we were unable to make the original shipping date given you; however, your order is now scheduled for shipment within a few days. We again thank you for your patience in this matter and wish t essure you that we shall do all that we can to get the Covers out to youe Yours very: truly Milton Scheuer ORDER DEPARTMENT MS /m 9485 * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * * December 3, 1943. Dr. Leonard axe, Vel2 Office, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Axe: - E personally very mich appreciate the courtesy and the efficiency with which you handled the eligi- bility of our V-12 boys permitting them to play as of December first. It was such an unusual situation that it strikes us most responsively. Tf there is anything we can do at any time to reciprocate your kindness it will be a pleasure. Of course, I have nothing to do with the tickets, since they are handled at the Business Office. I am sorry that I do not because I would certainly see that you were well taken care of. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. | . ACKNOWLEDGMENT 4 AND THANKS! We have entered your order No. 1089 Dated 9/20/43 (Our Ne. 977. .) Shipment will be made As soon as possible TO: University of Kansas, (Physical Education) Lawrence, Kans. - (Army Specialized Training Program) Se ee aT aL | Oi Y Ee LAL SY aaa % 794% ( THIS SIDE OF CARD IS-FOER ADDRESS University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Hoverber 24, 1943. Mr. V. Ee Hofstetter, Sales Department, tins Athletic Equipment Coe, 4439 Vanchester Avee, St. Louis 10, Missourie Dear Mr. Hofstetter: We are still enxiously awaiting the three Wrestling Mat Covers which we ordered from your firm in August, our Purchase Order Voucher No. 729. Your Mr. Milton Scheuer wrote us on September llth saying that the covers would be shipped on or about September 20. They have not been received to date, and since we conduet physical training ‘classes for both Arny and Navy treinees we need these as soon as possible. I will greatly appreciate your personal attention to this matter. Sincerely yours, ee Director of Physical Education, : FOAsAH _ Varsity Basketball Coach. % reas Atietic Z Et : fooN : = be 2 Couipment Company — 3 MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING \| €quipment 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT _ BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER cr LOUIS, (10) Mo. September 11, 1943, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Attention: Mr. Forrest C, Allen Gentlemen: In answer to your inquiry of September 9, please be informed that the Wrestling Mat Covers — to will be ” shipped on or about September 20, Yours very truly, ATLAS ATHLETIC oa Milton Scheuer MS:S * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * * September 9, 1943. Mr. Ve E. Hofstetter, Sales Department, Atlas Athletic Equipment Co., 4439 Manchester AVG. | St. Louisa 10, Mo. Dear Mr. Hofstetter: | Our Purehase Order Voucher No. 729 for three Wrestling Mat Covers, dated August 23, was returned to us by the State Business Manager several days age. Since we need these covers as soon es possible, i am writing to inquire if they have been shipped. Very sincerely yours, f Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ~ as Atterie a MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING }/ EQUIPMENT ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER ; 2 NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 ST. LOUIS, (10) MO. Aug. 20, 1943. Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Dir. of Phys. Ede, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Mr. Allen: Thanks for your courteous letter of Auge 17th. We appreciate your recommending our firm for the purchase of mats covers for wrestling mats. You may be sure, we will be ready to take care of your requirements when called upon. Yours very trul V. E. HOFSTET Sales Dept. VEH~im * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * * : A oe CLASS OF SERVICE E S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate 3 \ l DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter : pam unless its de- erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable : symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. “ a ( Zo ) \ Ship Radiogram 7 The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin, Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination -KAZ24 18COLLECT MCPHERSON KANS 23 833A MRS ALBERTA HULTEEN= oe B43 NOV 25 ANS By SECY PHYSICAL ED DEPT UNIV OF KANSAS LAWRENCE KANS= DOCTOR CANUTESON ADVISES CLOSING SWIMMING POOL UNTIL NAVAL EPIDEMIC HAS PASSED. PLEASE ACT UPON THIS AT ONCE= .©O FORREST C ALLEN. HULTEENs | ne THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE September 2, 1943. Lt. John 7. andrews, 541 Kenwood Aves, Dayton, Ohio. — Dear Jack: | it was a swell letter that you wrote on the 29th, end I enjoyed reading it immensely. I am going to use a part of your letter in the next Jayhawk Rebounds. I think this is wonderful etuff to pass on to ow boys. Some time I am gol: | to write you a longer letter, but this is just te let you that Rotary is moving along in good shape and missing you like everything. We will certain- ly be happy to have you back, Jocko, ~ when and if. I am happy that all goes well with you. Give Ruth our very best, and tell her we are pulling to have the Andrews back in our midst at an early date. I certainly will not forget at the next Rotary meeting, whieh is on September 15, _ te convey your wishes toe everyone of the “Rotes". We are having no si Ge tas But we are doing quite well, Jack , ae keep to the pattern you set for us when you were the boss. With every good wish, I an Fraternally yours, t | Direetox of Physical Education; FCAAH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 20, 1943. Mr. Solon G. Ayers, Supt.,— Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Solon: Thanks a million for your thought- fulness in sending me complinentary tickets for my Family and my friends.’ This is very generous of you. I assure you I greatly appreciate it. I certainly shall avail myself of the opportunity of seeing your fine boys in action whenever possible. Very cordially yours, ; Director of Physical Fducation, POA: AH : _ Varsity Basketball Coach. UNITED STATES. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ; OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS HASKELL INSTITUTE LAWRENCE, KANSAS September 16, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: The Haskell Indians are scheduled for five home games this season. Marvin J. Vandaveer will coach again this year. We are glad to send you the enclosed schedule and season passes which are good for all home games upon the payment of tax. The two tax paid tickets are for yow personal use. Very sincerely yours,” of “Solo WG kvere [ Superintendent GEORGE M. DOTY & ASSOCIATES IC ACCOUNTANTS CENTRAL O215 ALFRED a CR A re pre tv oles ‘a rn a Nn eon aan a> tk mpi rt tee at ep gl ah beings a aan 5 ee ABhlstic Department 5 Ie SEC. APO 306, 0/0 Ba. Dear “Phog", 4m looking ahead in the future hoping that thie V-Meil reaches you before Chrietmas. May I wish you, Mrs. Alien, Bob, Mitt and the rest of the family @ MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS and the best of luck in the MEW YEAR. Am still doing mp little bit ---—— only now it is Italy. Praternally, PAIR