November 14, 1940 > Dean Raymond Ae Schwegler School of Education — University of Kansas Dear Dean Schwegler: I am listing the activities that our groups namely, the Camunity Recreation Class, cither sponsored or augmented last summer session; July 19 = All«school picnics | This @llesehool picnic assembled om the quadrangle. The meals were served for 357 and Miss Zipple fron the Cafeteria furnished the foode Paper plates and cups, etes wore furnished by Miss Zipple. The youngsters were served at half prices We had 175-at the picnic dimmer. Plays and games were arranged for children of ali ages. We had comunity singing after the cats. Just & good mixers ~~ Previously, these alleschool pienies had been planned for Brown's is impracticable, The chiggers and the litter mde it wmtenable, Transportation was also a problems “e have @1] agreed that picnics on fe A drinking fountain over by the Fowler Shops will be an added attraction for next yeare The grounds are lighted and after a meal the facilities for play are very convenient. July 9 = Volleyball game. | i | In addition to all the other play facilities, a game of Volleyball ws arranged between the faculty members and the graduate students on the Hill against a down town group, comprising George Docking and some of the other merchants. This was played outeofedocrs,. It merely added to the breaking down of the home town vse Kansas idea. y