Sotthall Games | JUL L& 1939 Draw More Than seventy Players %* League Teams Named After Big Six Members With Wildcats in Lead; All-Star Game Thursday By Dave Shirk More than 70 Summer Session stu- dents have been playing intramural softball this summer. From these 70/ men came the conference known as the Big. Six National Softball League, each team named for a member of the Big Six. Last summer the Jay- hawkers won the conference by winning 8 games and losing 1. . So far this year we find the Wildcats setting the pace for championship honors. During the first few games| there was a little drafting of play- ers to equalize the squads. Included in the galaxy of softball luminaries in the Big Six National Softball League firmament are names that have been listed with the great or near great. The teams and cap- tains are: Wildcats: Lawrence Stanton, cap- tain; John Hocevar, Art Lawrence, | Alvin Emch, J. D. Caldren, Dean Nesmith, Willie Keeler, Dick Barnes, |' Harold Pitts, Bryan Blackburn, Har- old Smith, Eddie Ash, Brown. Tigers: Clarence Spong, captain; Hayes, R. A. Blowey, Cliff Olander, Joe Trimeloni, Jack Turner, Mike Andrews, Harold Frost, J. F. Ebelke, } Stud Bales, L. Spong, Harold Sum- _mers, L. Eiffert. Cyclones: Kenneth Senter, captain; | Francis Moore, Lee Allen Casida, John Sterrett, George Gilmore, Dal- las Myers, Gerald Barker, Bill Ho- gan, Bingham, Joe Wilkerson, Street- | er, Jack Jewell, Oglevie, S. Packard. | Cornhuskers: Fred King, captain; Bobby Allen, Lyle Reed, Fen Dur- | and, George Golay, Hank Ewert, John Rider, Rusty Frink, Charlie Paddock, Bill Fitzgerald. Sooners: Paul Masoner, captain; Russell Mosser, Fred Littooy, Loren |: Florell, Vernon Hayes, Harley Prit- chard, Dale Hutchinson, A. E. Garri- son, Isaac, Bert Nash, Branson. Jayhawkers: Barney Forker, cap- tain; Harold Reade, Frank Naylor, Oscar Foote, Ken Hill, Chet Shep- herd, Lawson Roberts, Bob Camp- | bell, James Miller, Don Spaulding. Umpires: Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Dr. E. R. Elbel, Dr. J. W. Twente. ions of the Big Six National softball | hawkers, won the all-star game by a Softball Stars Picked For Game With North Lawrence Alinptarsy 1939 An all star. squad picked from the Big Six National Softball league will play the North Lawrence all- stars at the North Lawrence park July 21. Freddie “Czar” Harris, for- mer University football star, will be in charge of the North Lawence team while Dr. F.C. Allen will coach the University team. The Big Six all-stars are; Wilk- erson and Hoceaver, pichers; Pritch- ard and Roberts and Senter, catch- ers, Caldren and Foote, 1 b; Casida and Nesmith, 2b; Emch and V. Hayes, 3b; Florell, Fitzgerald, Frink, and Barnes, ss; Keeler and_ King, rf; Miller and Olander, cf; Masoner and Allen, If. The All-stars also have a game scheduled with an Ottawa team. All-Stars To Play Leaque aor Wildcats Uu 56 dhd Spqnp- On Wednesday, League will play an all-star team composed of members from the other five teams. The captain of the sec- ond place team automatically be- comes the captain of the all-star ag- gregation. The game will be played|: at 4*15 p.m. on the intramural field. Last year the champions, the Jay- te mn OS tO score of 8 to 7 in a tightly fought game. This year’s game promises to | be just as good as last year’s. Law- ‘rence Stanton, coach at Page City, | __JUL-F-§ 1939 who captained the all-star team last year, is the captain of this year’s lea- gue-leading Wildcats. as TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1939 ALL-STAR GAME THURSDAY | A picked team of Summer Ses- sion students in the Big Six Na- tional Softball League will meet the all-star group of the North Lawrence league Thursday eve- ning, July 20, at 8:30 on the Wood- lawn diamond. Dr. Forrest C. Allen will be in charge of the Summer Session team, and Freddy Harris, “Czar” of the North Law- rence league, will be in charge of the boys across the river.