J Recreation Class To Give ‘Co-Recreational Splash Parties’ Success Calls ‘Splash’ Party Tygsddy 4 4999 In response to requests for an hour of co-recreational swimming, Doc- tor Allen’s class in Community Rec- reation has planned a “splash” party for Tuesday evening. The pool will /ning. Featured on the program were open at 8 o'clock and close on hour later. | The program includes a general swim period with stunt diving ex- hibitions and water polo exhibitions as highlights. Seats will be avail- For Another Tonight Doctor Allen’s iit i e ity Recreation gave 2. c- reational splash party Thursday eve- Bobby and Joanne Nash, Geraldine Ulm and Evelyn Herriman. A flut- terboard race between men and wo- men was won by Miss Herriman. ~ - The next splash party will be held tonight, in the University pool from able for spectators. ae 8 to 9 o’élock, at which time there — will be opportunity for general swim- ate ming. Another interesting program SPLA si 2 is being arranged. Thursday evening, the pool will be open to married couples in the Sum- mer Session for a quiet evening of Swimming. The pool will be open ity Recreation invit - sovites. all Sum from 7:30 to 8:30 for this event, mer Session students to the Splash Party at 8 o’clock... There will be free Swimming, exhibitions of diving and other entertainment. Seats will be provided for spec- tators who do not wish to go in the water. Final Co-recreational | Splash Party Slated | For Tonighti0G, ) e FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1939 | ks All-School SpladL 2 1 1939. Party Is a Success The “Splash Party” held at the swimming pool in Robinson Gym- nasium on Tuesday night, July 18, turned out to be one of the most enjoyable evenings of the summer, In addition to an excellent program planned by Dorothy Gehret and Delmar Branson, members of Doctor Allen’s class in Community Recrea- tion, the party afforded an oppor- tunity for summer session students to enjoy co-recreational swimming. Between 75 and 100 persons were crowded in the pool and around the sidelines. Special diving exhibitions were given by Mary Learnard and Lloyd Koelling, and a men’s water polo game was played by the following The final co-recreationa splash party will be held tonight at the pool in Robinson, gymnasium. The pool will be open at 8 o’clock. The pro- gram for tonight will consist of gen- eral swimming and races. Everyone is welcome, whether you go in the ) water or sit on the sidelines. Seats will be available for spectators . . Thursday night from 7:30 to $:30 has been set aside for husbands and wives of the Summer Session who desire to swim together. Le CAMPUS CALENDA TODAY: Recreational hour ever. night from 7 to 8:30 at Quadrangle east of Robinson gym; All-School picnic, 4:30, Brown’s Grove; Band school gets underway; Phi Kappa will meet at 1:30 in the Pine room in the Union Building. WEDNESDAY: Softball -games, In- ” men: Roy Jindra, Ed Hyatt, Lloyd tramural fields; Education Forum Koelling, Gene Billups, Carl Friesen, will meet at 7 p.m. in the Union August Anneberg, and Frank Anne- lounge. THURSDAY: Russian Trio, Univer. sity Concert Series, Hoch Auditor-- ium; Phi Lamba Theta will be hostess at a tea in room 116 Fraser from 3:30-4:30, : FRIDAY: Convocation, 10 a.m. MONDAY: Open House, Union building, 7-8; Softball games, In- tramural fields; State education — meeting; Reading School opens. berg. Frank Anneberg did some clown stunts off the diving board. Announcement was made that an- other “Splash Party” would be held Thursday evening, July 20, and one the following Thursday, July 27, On Tuesday evening, July 25, at 8 o’clock the University pool will be open for married couples, summer _| Session students and faculty mem- bers. : ey