. AUR 23 1939 In Union Monday s Recetas To Last From 7-8; Dancing, Community Singing and Games First Open House The first Summer Session open house to be held Monday night from 7 to 8 in the Memorial Union build- ing will include dancing, community eee and group games, according _|to Dr. F. C. Allen, recreational di- rector. The semi-formal reception |will give students a chance to meet the summer faculty members, and vice-versa, as there will be a receiv- ing on the main floor of the Union building. After a short address of welcome by Dean Raymond Schwegler, direc- tor of the Summer Session, there will be community singing led by Dr, Otto Miessner. After that there will be dancing in the Union ballroom for those who care to dance, and there will be. other games for non-dancers. There will be punch and wafers available through the supervision of Miss Hermina Zipple. Also on the com- mittee besides Doctor Allen and Miss Zipple.is H. E. Chandler, as- sistant director of the summer ses- sion. Entertainment will be in charge of Doctor Allen’s Community Re- creation class, with a directing com- mittee consisting of Dean Nesmith, Gerald K. Barker, Anita Louise Warden and Helen Ann Buhler. Electric fans have been installed in case. the heat catches up with the Hill again. These open houses will be held every Monday night, and says Doc- tor Allen, “they were so successful last year that we hope all summer session students and faculty will come out Monday and really enjoy themselves.” ; ee SUMMER SESSION _| : yg 4 1939 Slip-Ups by Walt Meininger Doc Allen eee to have a good ‘thing in his Monday night mid- ‘weeks. We were up a while last (Monday to watch. The band, made ‘up from the band campers, was much \petter than we anticipated. Were | gan, John Coleman, and Fenlon Dur- —uoins to dance next week. <2 a Swimppinstpurs Announced Swimming hours a Robinson gym as announced yester- day are for women: Mondays, Wed- nesdays and Fridays from 4 to 6; and for men: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at the same time. Classes will meet from 4 to 4:30 and from 4:30 to 5, and the open plunge will take up to the last hour. Advzenced swimming classes for men will meet from 4:30 to 5. Friday saw an unusually fine turn- out of women swimmers. Instruct- ing the women this summer will be jIrene McAdoo, with Ed Hyatt fill- ing this capacity for the men. = 2 ——— Dance Ensemble Features) Next Informal Mixer A dance mbke 1938... of members of the Midwestern Music Camp will play for the informal mixer ito be held at the Union Building Monday night, July 10, from 7 to 8 o’clock. Dr. Forrest C. Allen’s class in Community Recreation will have | charge of the entertainment, which will consist of games, dancing ‘and special numbers by a men’s “swing” quartette. Members of the quartette are Warren Edmondson, Tom Mor- and. Each Monday evening from 7 to 8 o’clock the informal mixers are held in the Union Building for Summer Session students and faculty, and some special feature of entertainment is planned for every mixer. A girls’ swing trio from Emporia, Kansas, the pool in fuformaf Minet® Well Attended * Around 250 Enjoy Music By Ensemble, Quartette; Plan Another Monday Summer school students who at- tended the informal mixer at the Union Building Monday night found entertainment, punch, and~ enthus- iastic dancers, estimated to number around 250. A dance ensemble composed of the members of the Midwestern Music|. Camp, led by Allen Nipper of To- peka, played a fine selection of num- bers throughout the evening. This was the first public performance of the musicians, and their music was received enthusiastically. A “swing” quartette composed of Tom Morgan, Warren Edmondson, John Cole- man, and Fenlon Durand sang a group of songs. The next “open house” for stu- dents will be held Monday night, at 700 o’clock. More entertainment is being planned by Dr. Forrest C. Al- | len’s class. in Community Recrea- tion. A girls’ swing trio from Em- poria, Kansas, will be here for an added attraction, and the band camp members will again be featured dur- ing the evening. : Students who attended the last | mixer found the ballroom quite com- |: fortable due to large fans which had been secured. The fountain in the sub-basement was open to those who cared for drinks and refreshments during the dance. will sing Monday evening, July 17. A large crowd is expected again this Monday night, as all facilities which help to make up a perfect hour |. of dancing have been arranged for so the students may enjoy themselves and get acquainted. Last Open HdUke3 1 1939 Will Be Monday. The last Open House of the Sum- mer Session recreational program is | planned for next Monday night, July 31, in the Memorial Union Building. The evening will be spent in danc- ing to the music of Lou Maser’s jam band, from 8 to 9:30 o'clock.