First: Since it seams necessary to move Junior and Senior courses up to the Graduate nuubers, the first problem is to offer a suffi- cient number of hours so that students who have taken the major in our own department can secure at least 15 hours of a Gradumte Second: To keep in mind the Sumer Session graduate student so thet his schedule is so rotated that he can secure enough hours Regarding this second point - the courses in Trestnent of Athletic Injuries and Kinesiology carry prerequisites of Anatomy 502 This would no doubt necessitate the asking for a S-hour course in Anatony at some tims in the future. Sone students wall have had the prerequisite, but T an pointing out tint tuot as © pussilie future messenity. a Thirds Iibian: ae sows ones bk hide wate 0 metenatin aide , i eee eta hail at eaentty nak ini ihe nees enon. How courses suggested with 200 mubers would need Schoo! of Edueation ection also. at However, any Graduate mmber would need Graduate faculty