We are faced with two main problems: Firsts Sime it seaus necessary to move Junior and Senior courses up to the Graduate aumbers, the first problen is to offer a suffie cient muanber of hours so that students who have taken the mor in our ow departsent can secure at least 15 how's of a Gredunte levele Second: fo lwep in mind the Sumer Session graduate student so that his schedule ic so rotated that he oan secure enough hours so thet he can graduste without umecessary delaye Anatomy 50ยป This would no doubt nesessitete the asking for a Sehour course in Anatomy at some time in the firlame. Sane students will have had the prerequisite, but I am pointing out that fot as & possible future necessity. Thirds Courses of the 200 and 300 level will of necessity have & small enrollment for the first few sumerse oi _ tay couren matere 00 wad of mometty non ony New courses suggested with 200 mmbers would need School