ye Loop Tennis a New and Popular Game For _ Playgrounds, Gymnasium Or Home Use Loop tennis, a modi- a fied form of tennis, played with a tethered ball and wooden pad- oe dles, has caught the niitary fancy of many physical ure. education and recrea- |g tional directors as a most interesting and ex- dianapoli. citing game that pro- saa vides real exercise in a : : The Senior Loop Tennis Game the six highly competitive game. It combines many of the desirable features of table templa and lawn tennis, tether ball and basket ball as it develops fast membe. footwork, quick thinking and teaches the players to keep their rollmen eyes on the ball. Played by either two or four players, the serve as in tennis is one of the most strategic plays of the game. The Loop tennis is made in three models for indoor or outdoor use Footbal as follows: Goods SENIOR MODEL (No. N260) played in 18x20 feet of space oes is the popular size for schools and institutions where both 50 ake recreation and exercise are desired. A folding red enamel . wood frame with heavy wire loops, through which the sponge thousdh: rubber ball, suspended by a thong and cord is batted, has a 2. It two section steel pole with swivel; four ply-wood paddles com- member pletes the set. School price $22.50. ence sh mating JUNIOR MODEL (No. N262) requires only 9x11 feet of playing space. Played by two or four, indoors or outdoors Two ply-wood paddles. School price $7.50. i TABLE MODEL (No. N264) complete with 2 ply4vood ~~ ddles and celluloid ball. Can be set up on any size table. ee os J n bo School price $2.50. : : (See our fall catalog for other indoor-outdoor games.) 5. Sit Z