Oras ATHLETIC Coioment MANUFACTURERS OF GYMNASIUM AND TRAINING | EQUIPMENT ED. C. STEFFEN, PRESIDENT 4439 MANCHESTER AVE. TELEPHONE BRUNO J. TEACH. GENERAL MANAGER ST. LOUIS, (10) Mo. NEWSTEAD 6550-6551 November 27, 1943 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We have your inquiry of November 24 concern- ing your purchase order voucher No.729 for the three Wrestling Mat Covers, We regret that we were unable to make the original shipping date given you; however, your order is now scheduled for shipment within a few days. We again thank you for your patience in this matter and wish t essure you that we shall do all that we can to get the Covers out to youe Yours very: truly Milton Scheuer ORDER DEPARTMENT MS /m 9485 * * THE TRAINING OF MEN BEGINS IN THE GYMNASIUM * *