Evening Splash Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 — &:G0 P.M. Bullestins: Two bulleamtin boards should be placed at each entrance into pool room.(1) Post articles of swimming interest.(2) Publici- ties on swimming games and races.(3) Post signed contestant sheets and results.(4) Post the*"Splash Review" column that comes out in the Kansan. Water Pollo Teams and winners of races should be written up in the Kansan. Tuesday Splash: (1) General Swim --- 30 minutes. (29) Women's Water Pollo Games -- 15 min. ) may have several (3) Men's Water Pollo Games --- 15 min. teams;5min. games (4) General Swim --- 30 min. Thursday Splash: (1) General Swim -- 20 min. (2) Specality -- -- 15 min. | (a) Exhibitions upon diving (stunt diving) and different strokes. (b) An Examéner or Life-Saver giving speech on swimming. (c) Life-Saver or co-worker mentioning article posted on swimming and have discussion#or questions asked if so desired. ( (3) Short Races --- 30 min. (&) Relays (&) Baddle races -(e@) Under water (d) All different strokes (e) Diving contest (4) General Swim -- 25 min. Splash Commitee: Camm XL, Way 20 wth, Ww Nht oe