SUGGESTIONS FOR SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM ALL«SCHOOL SUMMER SESSION PICNIC: Tuesdsy, Jue 20, Brown's Grove, 4350 peme Registretion et Education Office < Hostess Desk, Union Bldge Transportetion: cars leave Union at 4:50 and 5:00 Food: 35¢ for edults, 20¢ for children. Games and pley equipment . Publicity In case of rain make plans to use Gymmasiun. Plan one more alleschool picnic before the close of schoole MIXERS = each Monday evening from 7:30 to 8:50 in Union Bldge, beginning June 26 First party more or less formal, with faculty end administrators acting as hosts. Generel cutline of progrem for each partys le Community singing #2. Special attraction or entertaiment each evening 3- Dancing, cards, pingpong 4. Cold drinks for sale 5. Fens, comfortable chairs, etce *Have “Ameteur Nights" once in a while? Persons who were particulerly good last year: Benny Maynard (accordien), Frank Ameberg, Joe Williems, Al Brooks, Mre Chandler, Miss Zippleée JUNKETS « plen a trip for every other week, sc as not to crowd summer progreme 4th OF JULY BREAKFAST - Profs Fe 0« Russell, “chef" COMPETITIVE GAMES - TOURNAMENTS Have sheets for persons interested to sign up in Gymnasium and Fraser Softball, Tennis, Golf, Horseshoes, Handball Ball games each Monday and Wednesday, 4:15 peme Umpires: Twente, Allen, Raport, Shirk Gould not the Temmnis and Golf Tournsments inelude women if any desired to enter? Suggestions «~ conte, page Ze PLAYGROUND * 73:00 to 9:00 every evening Check on attendance each evening (men, women, children) Do not sniiciiieiaii competition. Mark courts Benches Lights Wax shuffleboard dises (7?) Comrecreetional swimning 7:50 to 8:30 on Tuesday & Thursday (7) Pingpong table on platform { j = i | | | | | sae | 7 Final | ee | Ges. | Kalin —T OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Rating | U.S.C. Fresno Stan- — Calif. Po- Oregon St. Mont, wm. C.| St. | ford Us Tech?:; mona Uz Marys J. me ej, (76 0 150 —6 xB. —6 xB xB —6 —6 +6 132 Oregon Willa-| Calif. | U.S.C. Colum- Stan- Idaho Wash. Oregon De. a mette Aggies bia ford i, St. Uz troit ee a 7 144 xB xB —~—6 @ ‘8 —6 +6 —6 —6 +6 132 _ Wash- Whit- Mont. U.S.C. Wash. Oregon Puget Stan- Calif. Chicago ington man Uz St: uv. Sound ford i; Uz ; 48 0 150 xB 0 Tie —6 —6 —6 |. xB —6 —6 —6 114 Occi+ dental 64 0 120 Rating System B 120 | s i ? Stan- West C. Olym- Oregon U.C. Oregon’ U.S.C.| Calif. Wash. Santa Calif. Army ford Army pic C. U. L. A. St. Tech. Uz. Clara iu, U, 7 0 137 = xB +6 +6 +6 —6 xB +6 xB +6 +6 167 Cali- Santa*} - St. Wash, Penn. Olym- | U.S.C. | Mont. | Wash. Stan- fornia Clara Mary St. Dy; pic-£. Uz ae ford 7 15 62 xB 0 Tie +6 +6 xB +6 +6 +6 —6 86 | Nevada ¢ Uz 66 0 120 Rating System B 120 . Ind. Navy | Wise. | Carn: Ga. Drake U.S.C. North- Army Notre > sas U.~ | Teens.| Tech. U. western Dame 12 13 69 +6 +6 +e, | +6 +6 +6 +6 |. 46 +6 123 ! - Mont. Whit- Mont. Oregon Oregon Wash. Gon- U.S.C. Idaho Idaho > St. man - VU. we St; SE zaga —6 S. 3: “4 (92 0 150 xB xB 16.4 = —6 —6 —6 xB 126 Wash-| Col, of Mt. St.. Calif. Wash. Whit- Oregon Idah Mont. Gon- U.S.C. ington — Idaho Chas, vu igs man St. Uz yy, zaga ioe 7 150 xB xB —6 +6 xB +6 +6 +6 +6 —6 168 Car- Beth- | Thiel | West. | W.&J. | Notre | Wash. | Pitts- | N. Y. | U.S.C. negie any Reserve Dame U. burg U~ ss Tech. 45 13 150 xB xB +6 0 Tie —6 +6 —6 $e. | =e 150 } ! Pites~ | Waynes- Duke |W. Va. Nebr. | Allee | Ohio [W.&J.| Carn, | Penn. U.S.C. burgh | burg U. U. gheny St. Tech. a 1 ee 14 150 xB +6 +6 +6 xB +6 +6 +6 +6 | -6 186 | | Average Rating Per Game For — 135+ Ba lyatt rene ieAdoo Jenes Paport Swiszsing Pool © Men Sufieeving Pool « Venn Asste © Recreation Agste ~ Recreation duly 22 « Auge 9, incl. 9 Bags &&&& & DAILY TIME RECORD University of Kansas Division of a Edusation and Intercollegiate Athletics Name od a AA Date Description of Work From To Total Time | Rate Total Cost | | hey a4 & i far AL 2] < S wi TOTAL FOR TODAY da es 2 ee ee ee copy Summer Session July 1 = 20, 1939 Ed Hyatt Swimming Pool = Men 21 055 755 Ireme McAdoo . “ Women 14 035 4.90 Jemes Raport Asst. - Recreation 755 035 26.43 Jack Sands Asst. - Temis courts, _ ete 82 9d 18920 Dave Shirk Asste - Recreation 80 035 28,00 Charles Lindan A Deve Shirk Swinming Pool « Men Aste « Temis oowts, etd. Asste ~ Reorention segegs e RRebE & fo = SUOER SESSION: 2 doze Shuttlecocks @ $5050 dots « « « + « $7500 2 wolley balls @ $5045 ee oo « © + « «© @ 10690 Driving Tage ateevtiommtccccsss S00 Cini RY I ITEMS APPROVED FOR 1939 SUMMER SESSION BUDGET Assistance (men and women[ e « « « © « © « ¢ « & $500 Equipment eee«esree eee sree eee ee @ $100% BOnGhe6 4 & & e464 + 4 eH ee +e Oe He © $100x Floodlights s + © © # & © @ @ & © 6:8 4 © *% 6: $145* *Se Se maintenance fund, administered by Prof. Chandlere 1938 Se Se Budget: Vainteneance (from Se Se activity fund) « « « $300 Special equipment oee0eoeeteee se see ee 2o8 Assistance for women « ee «ee ee © © @ @ ~=680 Assistance for meneeeeeece eevee 75 ; 6a Ta sete na : tel lal i iia ia + bei! ; da HEGE tilt I i ik hie i i | Ht ‘i a iB = ie ute iid aad NE | } igi! ei Wet Hi ' Deh aie nent HA met Died) uit Bld ui silt i Ae ii : i i tae nel ae Ei” id faa i due or t iv Hh tiga 1 uy i 3 ; - 233 HN ge Te at REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE SUOIER SESSION, 1939 At the meoting of the Samer Session Budget Comittee last fall en item of $145.00 was requested by the writer for the installation of floodlights om the quadrangle in front of Fowler Shops to light the playground for the Sumer Session students. ‘This iten ws granted, and the lights added mush to the attract-— iveness of the recrentionml programe Recreational activity on the playground was open to beth young aml old, and the attendance every evening wis three and four times as much as last memere Seven shuffleboard couwts were kept busy every evening. Other features of the Playgrowmd were croquet (for both adults and children), darts, badminton, ping- the children wis installed - a nonlsy mse for clinbing, tecter-totters, horizontal bers, & gsondbox, and a swings | The canpetitive ges included in the recreationnl program were softball, The golf course was kept in exellent condition during the sumer, and was even better then it ims been in the paste ‘the driving range was an added fenture this sumer, end net with a splendid response. | The temmis courts were keyt in fine shape, end the installation of a drinking fountain neor the courts proved a wonderful convenience for the players. schoo] with Mr. Bd Hyatt in charges for the mm and Miss Irene MeAdeo in charge for the wmen. A mmber of co-recreatiom] splash parties wore held in the evenings, and these were emeftiamlly well attended. The average attendance of wma at the pool was 25, with a high of 42. Vor the men the average attmdance was 30, with an attendanse as high as 60 and 70 at the open plunge hour. Aporoxinetely 25 or SO individuals sw during the co-recrentiom] swimming periodse eae [wo @lleschool phonies ware held, one at the begiming of the session — enjoyed by many faculty menbers and students and their families. At the first in Comamity Rocrention presented three one-net plays on the oubqofsdoor stages Entertaiment at these mixers consisted at tines of a girls' swing tric fron bend comp, end on two eocasiions we danced to msie played by a lZaplese orchestra The new ipme “Gonl