5e The decrease in attendance at the junkets late in the summer was probably due to the pressure of school work and a generally full programe If they are continued I believe one scheduled for every other week, or maybe junkets only during the first four weeks, would be wisée Tite Conclusions. le From critical summaries submitted by my class, interviews with representative students, and many unsolicited comments, I feel the summer's ae reached some 500 = 700 of the enrollment in some waye Certainly those who participated enjoyed the sumer, and were enthusiastic in the expression of their approvale 2e In the future I recommend that the director make every possible effort to get the summer session calendar made up earlye There is no necessity for conflicting dates; and there were too many of those this summere Perhaps in our effort to provide a full program we did too much. At least a half dozen evenings through the session should be left open for engagements that may materialize through the eight weekse 3e Until such time as the Union Building can be air-conditioned, it would be wonderful if an outdoor platform (3 times the size now used) could be used for dances and parties in conjunction with the playground. That would bring meny participants and many spectatorse 4. More publicity for the summer program is importante Ire Flint mentioned that he would be glad to cooperate, and I suggest the possibility of making that job a project for some student in Journalisme 5e¢ So many requests for lights on the playground have been made that I feel it should be carefully considerede 6e It occurs to me that our swimming pool does “very little business" in the summere For the girls there was an attendance of 8 = 10 in Beginning Swimning, 3 in Intermediate, and 3 - 10 in open plungee I suggest that this