4e was on hande = feel it is essential that these parties embrace 4 broad program so there will be appeal to both graduate and undergraduate studentse Our regular parties always opened with a game to encourage introduction, then a mixer using simple marching and Paul Jones figures, community singing, a special attraction for each evening, and then dancing and card games, ping pong, etce We also had cold drinks for salee These parties were given at practically no expense, and I feel they were a good indication of what could be done with very little moneye I think the picnic as an opener is a good idea. It was apparent that the picnic drew a different crowd than the other parties, and for that reason another one during the summer would probably be wisee I feel it is important that the first party be more or less formal with the faculty and administration acting as hosts for the evening. And I feel it is just as important that the rest of the parties be as informal as possible with emphasis put on making the group happy, and providing for easy introductionss Sedunkets. Wines evenings appealed to an entirely different group than our other. activitiese Although their continuation is not essential, they did offer a good opportunity for introducing various departments of the University and their in- formality seemed to please those who attended. : The average attendance was around 75. Approximate figures == Geology Fluprescent e e e« « « « 90 cu eis Museum e « « « e 80 Astronomy Observatory « « « « 125 = 135 Color Photography « « « « « « e 45 Di.OFGURS 5 «4 2 «4 0's » «0 & 8B = 60