Se At any rate, I suggest, at least, a director of publicity and a director for social affairs, to be appointed by the main director and to work with hime That would considerably ease his jobe Ile Program le Playground The playground has aroused some very enthusiastic response from faculty, graduate students, and undergraduatese ily own feeling is that it represents @ fine opportunity for socialized play which approaches the English ideal. It showed an average of 35 = 40 persons each evening -- the smallest evening being 6 people and the largest nearly 85. We were surprised that Friday and Saturday nights proved so popular. A steady increase in patronage followed each succeeding oben: and many people have felt the playground should have been given much more publicitye Shuffleboard, croquet and archery were very popular, and the facilities in these should be increasede The more active games, of course, were popular with the younger groupe Attendance was about evenly divided between men and women, and from 3 = 10 small children were usually there. In the future some special games could be provided for theme The most popular time was between 7:30 - 8:50, and many wsiuaaen were made for lights over the grove so they could continue play after dark. My opinion is that the playground should not emphasize competitione 2e Sociel Events There were six of these, the approximate attendance at each was: Pienic e oe eee e 175 Opening Reception e e300 = 325 4 Open Houses « »« e 175 = 250 The difference in attendance at the last four parties was occasioned, I am sure, by the weather. We had two very hot nights, but even so an enthusiastic group