equipment is absolutely essential. Providing the enrollment of the Community Recreation class keeps up to 15 or above, it can furnish much needed leadership, but a budget should consider the possibility of profiding leadership at student- wage rate if necessity demandede | Of course the social program makes small expenditures constantly necessarye So I recommend that the recreative iestes work under a budget which provides for 1) publicity, 2) equipment, 3) leaders, 4) maintenance. Se Personnels As I have already inferred, the job this sumer was almost too much for one person to handlee I recognize the fact that much of the responsibility might have been delegatede For instance, as the program stood this summer it was distinctly a four-headed jobe Administratively an ideal plan would have been for the director to appoint a head and a committee to take care of = le Publicity ee Junkets 5. Social affairs 4. Playground and physical activity My reasons for not doing that were several; first, whom to find? I was handicapped in that respect because I did not know summer session students from preceding years, I didn't want to impose on already overburdened faculty, and I didn't want to risk the success of the progrem on leadership wich wi. gut have been willing but not capablee I do not mean to imply that I met with any lack of cooperation on the part of the faculty or studentse On the contrary, I enjoyed a grand response; but finding people who are enthusiastic about a program is much easier than finding people who want a definite part of its responsibilitye Secondly, a feeling that I must be very economical made me hesitate to use help which I felt should be paids and thirdly, because this whole program represented something of an innovation, I didn't readily think of persons who would fit into each groovee Since the summer's experience I have found those peoplee