~_ : there 1s 0 fooling that we should provide same instrustion in these sports for — eredit in the regular 8 weeks courses A coaching sehool was hold independently this gramme fron June 13 to 18, inclusive. With this all group as & muoleus, moving pietures and a lecture desostration in taskettel! wore givan to the stutents of the Sumer Session and clowed with a gme between the K. v. varsity and the coaches of high schools who were enrolled in the Sumer Session, After this a symposium "wns held in whieh discussions ware had for the benefit of the mamer students. Many of these students expressed & desire for basketball inetruction with seadenie credits tho writer is enlosing herewith « sunary and reoumeniations for the recreation progren written by ies Hiisabeth Dunkele 2ise Dumke) Mets 165 hours tty ination to har teeing a tat she ge An eerste reoreation, gus and picnies. imny more hours were given tiat were not estimated, ag it ws a ploasumble activity to seo the stulents at the University of Zansas enjoying © fulsame progren of rearention and plays «It dg the writer's belief that the setivity fee for the sumer students should bo inovensed either GO¢ or $1400, according to the desires of the cauittes, for a larger progres It 4s further felt that the program has proven iteul? of sufficient merit to be considered for a budgetary appropriation by the University. or the possibility of airconditioning the Union Suilding, that it resolves itself inte a utter of moneye The acute question is the amount of money toe be available for subh utilities. Meny eolleges are putting in lawn bowls, an outdoor recreative game that is swooping the coumtry. It tales money to obtain these frollities, but