Se —-Hagdbe end horseshoes were very poplar for the sumer. Wo tournma- manta were hela but these fotlities wore open to may etutente sho evaded then selves of the bensfit of these games. op Rap cree comet ie fn on. SOME ot tdiad Ctenty egnttines 2 1 feature that was inmoryorated for the fisvt tine was the service this depurtnent rendered for plonies. On the 4th of July a brealdfast was hold at Brown's Grove for these students in Ndueation who rennined hore over the holidays Shove wae & PM Delta Kapon plonio at Browm's Grove the last week in Julys And again, a visiting profeseor in the Sehool of "ducation entertained the faoulty of ‘that school with their farilies at Brown's Greve. On each cocasion gane equipment ‘was transported from Pobinson Gymmmeiun to Brom's Grove by trusk, end the placing of the equipment and supervision of the cames was undertalem by physical education major students. After the plonios the equiymet was gathered up and returned to tho gymmsium, with no charge to the wrious groupse It is planned that this sohene vill be followed this fall by the Department of Physieal Eduestion for all departuents desiring to have plontoss | iii theenaen ut tates Shiba eeneneiniinis wuibdaiilis concerning instrustion in the competitive sports, like basketball, track and foot- walle Last year the writer received letters from Toms, Alabem, Oregon, Missouri,