e entered in softtall townanonte About 60 men participated during the sumer. and Cyelones. ‘The Jayhauiers won nine straight gmes, being clanplons of the Monguese Ors Je We Twunbe, of the School of Biuention, and Dr. Pe Ce Allen officiated all the games, which were played every Nonday and Wednesday afternoon at 4116 on s the intresumal field south of the gymmesiu. These games were a decided success, and much enthusiasm was shown even up to the final afterncone The allestar team peed fron the league played the chempion Jayharters. Again the Jayheders won | the golf course was in excellent shape ani it ws used by far more people this gamer than eny sumer heretofore. We were fortemte in securing the cervicss of Glam Catumn who aided our gromddmeyers in mininining the super vision and upkeep of the courses | The ewineing pool was open from ume 8 to August 1 at regular hours given open plunge five evenings during the sumer, fran 7 to 9 o'clock, end they not only enjoyed it but porsomally stated that they appreciated the consideration given theme It was more in the mature of & social cocasion, with Negro men and was played Wy 16 men, being won by 3 Browuinge Sut the greatest benefit came in having the courts in shape for all who desired to plays It seams as if there are unless a monitor was engaged to check this detail, and thet was found to be too