At the request of the colored students enrolled in the Sumer Session, sumer. Two all~sehool picnics were held, one at the begiming of the session — ‘enjoyed by my faculty menbers and students and their families. At the first pionie the food and program were taken care of in Rebinson Gymmasim. The second in Commmity Recreation presented three one-act plays on the out-of-door stages ae Saha eet Sp Ca eR Entertainment at these mixers consisted at times ef a girls' swing trio from ) ‘pend camp, and on two cccasions we danced to music played by a l2=piece orchastra from the band eemp. The mixers were very popular ~ the attendance at one of then The new geme "Goal-Hi", originated by the writer, brought us much favor= able attention, anda mmber of games were played. in the evenings by adults, by boys of 14 yours of age, and by youngsters 1012 years of age.